Daily Archives: August 23, 2016



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More potatoes

IMG_5166Another 2.5 hours of digging potatoes this morning, followed by lunch and a brief rest in the sun (before we lose it for winter).   The afternoon was spent sorting about 2/3 of the 300+ pounds of potatoes and company came for a bit.   I promise you this is the end of potatoes for a long while.


4 shorter rows and 1 1/2 long rows are just waiting until the straw comes in to get put to bed for the winter.  I saw chickens munching on beets this morning, so perhaps it’s time to bring them in, but I was hoping they could stay in the garden another month along with the carrots.  The third you see is pumpkins and squash.  Under the trellis are more squash, green beans and cucumbers.