Daily Archives: August 15, 2016
Today’s raspberries totaled just over 2 cups. Chickens helped me pick them.
Then a bag of string beans and 2 more zucchini and 4 ears of corn of which I forgot to take a photo.
Then a trip around the neighbors property they are wanting to sell. We sold it to them about 16 years ago and were interested in having it back – BEFORE we took the tour.
Now it’s out to pick tomatoes and water the hoop house. I’m still resting from my giant day yesterday. In the morning, we go look at sheep, Wednesday is a Sew fun day, Thursday is an all day class involving the quilting machine. Friday may just be a collapse day. Temperatures here are in the low 80s and predicted to be low 90s starting Friday. So the blog may be very brief this week.