Daily Archives: August 22, 2016



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August = harvest month

IMG_5163 The morning started with mending 2 pair of pants.   These turned out surprisingly well for daughter.    Then it was off to give a bit of supervision to someone who was going to help me today.   He did get the “wee barn” swept out and the sleeping area for the three sheep all cleaned.  It looks and smells good in there now.


Look at these silly ducks.   Why would you go outside the fence to be able to put your head inside to get water?    Silly, silly ducks.

 I asked my new helper to dig up the potatoes.   The ground is hard, but there are about 100# of potatoes in a 30′ space.   We had a lot of potatoes that didn’t get eaten in time this spring, so we just planted them.   And had the best harvest ever.   I think we’ll get another 100# out of each of the two rows we have left to harvest.   No we don’t need that many, but we won’t starve.    Well, he dug about 30#, decided it was lunch and came and asked for his money after lunch.   Ah,  help is not perfect these days.   So instead of sewing or quilting, I dug potatoes, picked tomatoes, picked a few raspberries and a couple cabbage.  (but you are probably as tired of photos of these as I am of taking them). Then it was time to fertilize and water the hoop house and the raspberries which are looking rather shriveled from lack of water.   Next the front yard and driveway plants were watered and supper was simply leftovers.  There was my day and when did I sew or quilt?

But winter (sewing/quilting time) is coming and the way this harvest has been going, I won’t be spending much time at  the grocery store.  I was lucky that all the running around took care of half of my steps for the day – I’m over my 10,000 goal, and yes I did work in 5 minutes on the elliptical.    I need that exercise to be able to do the other things.   Who has time to grow old?