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A BIG mess


I’m still testing this applique quilt.    The cutting table looks like this on both ends with a working area in between and the  other photo is the pile of scraps on the floor.IMG_3852At this point it has been reduced to the point that I can put it away as I have all the pieces cut from it that I need.   I have one more block to make and then I will baste the sashing to the blocks to get the photo they want with the report.   Then the sashing is coming off and will go into a box with the quilt.   And no more testing patterns for at least two months.  I can’t say never because I do like to test some of them and they wonderful charity quilts.   However, I need to make up a for a lot of time this took.  (along with the time I couldn’t walk)


Tomorrow! tomorrow! I’ll be done and Mary is coming over Wednesday.   I’m thinking maybe we’ll just enjoy the day or if it is raining, we might sit and knit.   That’s always fun.  On what projects are you currently working

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