


Picture dish cloth


This is the picture wash cloth that I did by doing a few rows each evening.  I wasn’t sure what to expect as this was the first time I’ve done this.   Next time, maybe I should use a slightly heavier yarn to see the picture better.

Today was spent at the gym, grocery store and going back to the eye doctor.   Only this time, it was DH’s turn.   After you get those drops in your eyes, it takes a long time to see clearly again and we just prefer to take a designated driver.  Therefore, one visit takes both of us.

Because January is turning out to be “medical” month, I’m not getting much done on the quilt scene.   I did work on the heel of the socks again today, but not enough to show you.

On what project are you working?   I really love hearing from you and the comment section is easy to use.

4 Responses

  1. jatshaw says:

    Still working on my Scoreboard Scarf and need to get started on a couple new things. Got a birthday boy coming up at the end of the month and a sock KAL on my agenda plus lots of other ‘WIPs of all types that are clammering for attention….. Happy New Year!

    • sharon says:

      At least they are getting some wins so it won’t be all one color. I would like to do the socknitters KAL, but I have this other pair to get finished before I start another something new. Would someone please explain to me, why we keep getting new projects when the last ones aren’t done. I can have a table of spinning and one of knitting in my bedroom – and that is real overflow. It surely feels good to have company in all of this

  2. I seem to be taking one step forward and two steps backwards. My vest is back to where it was several days ago before I ripped the whole thing out.

    • sharon says:

      I just went and looked at your blog. I know the frog stitch intimately. The second time goes faster