Daily Archives: June 9, 2015



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A picnic block done.


It was exciting to me to finally get enough done to be able to put a block together.


In addition, there are more sodas and more drumsticks done, with more to do.


On a hot day, a cool lunch is terrific.   We had a salad in a wrap, with chips and hummus, plus slightly pickled beets and hummus dressing.   For the dressing, I put some of the hummus in with vinegar of choice and shake good.   Be sure to refrigerate after using. ( I did chop the tomato, but when I make salads for several days, I leave the tomato whole until time to eat the salad)


And to make it a perfect day, Mary came over, bearing berries and had lunch with us.   Of course she also had to spend a few minutes playing with fabric.   She had another appointment and left all too soon.