Daily Archives: September 12, 2017




Nothing done

Some days it seems as if I worked all day and got nothing done.   Since that has been a persistent feeling this month, today, I decided to write down what I did.

  1. Cleaned and stemmed the grapes, laid them on trays and put in freezer,  (I’ll thaw them out and dehydrate when the cucumbers are done -to make raisins)

  2. Loaded the dehydrator with cucumbers chips.

  3. Cleaned and cooked collard greens

  4. Took food scraps out to sheep

  5. Went to the grocery store

  6. Fed the bees

  7. Picked an apron full of apples, cut and cored them to cook (too many earwigs in them so lots of discard)

  8. Took scraps to sheep

  9. Went to upper barn, fed sheep, put soap in the barrel with soaking fleece and filled with water.

  10. Mopped kitchen floor

  11. Made lunch (finished lunch at 2 PM)

  12. Sat down to watch some “Back to basics summit” homestead videos

  13. Fed dogs and sheep in both locations

  14. made supper

  15. cooked apples

  16. made just over 3 quarts of applesauce

  17. husked popcorn   – Isn’t it pretty

That looks better, I really did do something and feel justified being tired.   Off for a nice relaxing bath and then put the feet up and watch another sewing video.  Maybe tomorrow, after gym, and a few basic chores,  the rest of the sheep will get wormed and we will start deciding which rams to put with which ewes.   They are definitely getting interested.