


More big trucks and sheep

Here are a few more big trucks.   It’s going slowly because I have to keep an eye on the sheep.   3 more to lamb.  One is technically due today, one mid May and one anywhere in between.  Of course then there are the other things like meals and visiting people in the hospital.   All of you know what I mean.

Evil eye from mom because she doesn’t want to let me near this baby.

Getting a peak at the baby

Finally — the baby!

If someone will explain to me how to download a video here, I’ll take some photos of the little ones playing and show them.

4 Responses

  1. Sally Walter says:

    Sharon, I would help you upload the video but I have never tried one on my WordPress blog, only on my Google Blogspot. It was easy since my pictures and videos all back up in the Google cloud from my phone. Google gave me a link to the video and it worked in the blog. Do you back up your phone to an internet location?

  2. Dar in MO says:

    The babies are so cute. I’ve never done a video on my blog, so I’m no help at all.

  3. Those truck blocks are really great! Sure to be loved by big and little boys alike!
    LOVE your little lamb! Is mom a Shetland or a Cormo?
    I’m no help in the tech department unfortunately….

  4. jatshaw says:

    Love your trucks and the little lamb, too. Happy Easter!