


Coordinating and baby 8

Hiring and supervising are not my favorite things to do.   But today, we had the plumber out to do some repairs on the barn water system and tell us what we need in terms of money and supplies to get done what we need.

Then there are the repairs needed to the barn  doors which, the last person saw fit to remove and put on backwards, plus remove all the hardware.   So that also meant a trip to the hardware store to purchase the right hardware.

I hired part time help in the garden to finish planting potatoes and help with weed control in the hoop house.  She worked so hard today, she finished the potatoes – which was about 160′ of them, before the rains hit.   Then she went into the hoop house and worked the rest of the day, staying until she finished weeding all the aisles, picked parsley, and watered.

I need someone else to help with some of the old fence posts that are coming down.   I guess 20 years is a bit much to expect from some of these posts.   So an interview was in order.  My first impression of the fellow that applied was good, but he needs a full time job, so will call me when he has achieved that.

Plus, I have someone doing some drywall work on the little studio apartment to get it ready to rent. So I dealt with the repair work on that

Oh, and did I mention baby #8 was up and nursing when I went to the barn this morning.   The air is breeze and a bit crisp, but definitely springtime (this morning).   I don’t have a photo of baby 8, but here Friday’s babies are out romping in the sun.  Mom is a Ouissant – a rare breed.  Babies are half Shetland.

All I did was coordinate, freeze (it is cold out there in the wind and even in the barn), go for parts.  Why should I feel this tired?

2 Responses

  1. Hubby and I learned something today – neither of us had heard of that sheep breed – so we checked them out….
    It’s strange how not being very busy can tire us out so much! Maybe seeing the amount of work your new gardening helper got done caused your mind to think you needed to be tired! She sounds like a keeper! But, it sounds like you got a LOT accomplished today, so you’ve earned your rest!

  2. jatshaw says:

    No wonder you were tired; you worked hard!