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A play day?

I started my morning by announcing to DH that I needed a day to play and wasn’t planning to do anything “because I had to”.    So the first thing I did was sweep all the non carpeted floors – because I wanted to, which made me feel better.


After breakfast, I realized that all the stuff piled on the table and night stand was bothering me.  Therefore, that’s what I wanted to take care of – which I did. And which took me until time to go to the gym.  Now there is very little on the nightstand and these are organized.   Plus I now have a spinning area once again.   Somehow, papers and “things” get tossed on top of each other until I feel I have no room to breathe.   Still this was play because I didn’t have to do it – I wanted to.  And we have been in the car so much that neither of us wanted to go anywhere.

The class we attended at the gym was strength training with about 30 seniors.  It started out easy.   The others have been attending for some time.   We copied what the leader was doing – or tried to.  Apparently this will get better as our strength isn’t up there with the others.   So now, we have signed up for one day of yoga and two of this strength training (at 11am – which kills my day and maybe me.)   This was not on my “play” list – but was on his.  I keep thinking that someday I will learn to like exercise, but it still hasn’t happened.

After lunch, we rested while he read more James Harriot stories.  Those stories will never grow old.  We really just lazed around most of the afternoon which was very pleasant.  After supper, we put the animals to bed and look what I found when getting the hay.


Do you see her way up in the back.   I’m not too concerned since we no longer have a rooster.  Tomorrow is the dentist and the eye doctor, so we will be out all morning, have a late lunch and I always need a rest after the dentist.   I like the dentist as a person, but I so DISLIKE going to the dentist even for a cleaning.




One Response

  1. jatshaw says:

    I’m with you on t he dentist! Definitely not my idea of fun.