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Interesting creatures

Husbands are such interesting beings.   Often times one gets surprised.   For instance, we are trying to supplement this lamb.   DH comes and asks what he can do to help.   I said he could refill the 2 gallon bucket.   So he picked it up, promptly tripped over the 2×4 opening and the 2″ of water remaining in the bucket landed where I was sitting.   No one was injured, but we were both very surprised.   Ah, marriage is filled with such interesting moments, and the only thing one can do is laugh and know that life is a roller coaster of interesting happenings.


The lamb is a fighter, but still quite dehydrated.   By this time, his ribs should not show.  His little tongue wants to go out the side of his mouth instead of forward under the teat or nipple.  He will get a tube feeding again tonight, which he very much hates, but it could make the difference for him.  May I repeat that teenagers of any species should not be trusted.   These teen moms were a bit young for this, but she is protecting him and doing her best.   Her body just wasn’t quite ready.


This morning, daughter #3 and I went shopping.   We both needed – no wanted – items from Costco and elsewhere.    The guest room is shaping up.   Still needed are pictures and books and perhaps a lamp.   I think I’ll get a couple of my brother’s photographs for the wall.   They are incredible.

My prayer is for each of you to have a marvelous week end.


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