Daily Archives: July 8, 2018



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Sheep migration; autumn socks

Sheep migration:

Today was migration day – time to move to fresh forage and grasses.  It was really great that the neighbor brought over her border collie herding dog, because these sheep will stop for every blade of grass and without the dog, this job could have taken hours.   Because they are going into an area where already many weeds have gone to seed, I wanted each to have a coat on first.   Seeds are nasty to get out of wool.   They will spend about a week to 10 days taking down the new area and then will need to be moved once again.  Without rain, the pastures are not growing back.

Autumn socks

Autumn socks

Lorna laces hand dyed sport yarn

I have been a couple of weeks without a knitting project and it is really warm outside, so I need something that doesn’t take too much thinking to do in the middle of the day.  Using a Lorna Laces hand dyed sport yarn and number 4  needles, I cast on 56 stitches for a simple sock.   My lofty goal is to get it done by the end of the month.

With the warmer weather, animals to water, a foot to pamper, and blueberries to pick among other things, I’ve slowed down a bit, so I’m just going with the flow and not pushing myself.   Life will continue even if I don’t get everything done that I would like.