


BAD news day

We are praying that God will use this bad news day to His glory.   Our oldest son, J has been undergoing chemo for some time now and the doctor believed they could remove the tumors by surgery.  When they opened him today, they found tumors they were unaware of and since the cancer was more invasive then they thought, they closed him back up and will be doing more chemo.

We had  3 young men here today putting up more fences and doing several hours of weed whacking.   We are starting to get caught up on that, especially since we’ve not had rain to encourage the growth.  We are trying to get animal ready for winter this year BEFORE winter comes,   We are trying to get dry pens ready for rotation yet this summer and breeding in the fall.   This last spring we had a huge mud issue and it hurt our fleeces.  We are aiming to avoid that this year.

I have planted green beans twice this year and now have 6 little plants started.   6 plants out of total of 4 packages is not very good.   I may be visiting the farmers market for my canning needs this year.

There isn’t much more to report since I spent most of my day off my foot and working on a new website.   But I have made terrific friends here and I miss you if I don’t blog.  Therefore, I continue to share my life with you.

Happy Sabbath!

4 Responses

  1. Ddarlene Winter says:

    So sorry to hear about your son our prayers are with all of you.

  2. Franna Pitt says:

    So sorry to hear about your son! God must have special plans for him.
    I was just talking to my brother (the D.O.) about ketogenic diets “starving” cancer cells. Your son probably knows about it, but if not, it may be another route to consider. It’s working in dogs, and my brother’s friend with metastasized prostate cancer.

  3. Adding my prayers for your son, and both of you too.
    I discovered last night that I haven’t been getting all of your blog posts – I’ll get one, then miss one; get another one or two and miss one again… How did you sprain your ankle? I know that you’ll do your best to follow the doctor’s orders – and hopefully, you’ll be on the mend soon!

  4. Judy Shaw says:

    So sorry to hear about your son. Know that I’m thinking of you and your family. Sending lots of hugs.