Is it winter or spring, or perhaps half way in between? The Christmas cactus, that actually bloomed at Christmas, is once again blooming. Today though the winds were cold, the hoop house was warm.
The garlic in the left photo is coming up nicely. I planted it inside last fall because we weren’t sure if we’d get to an outside garden this spring. In the right photo, the kale at the back is still doing great. I weeded this much today – which is about 1/3 of it. Just trying to get the weeds out before they really get a start which in here is very early. And I want to get the greens started as well.
I’m trying to squeeze a few minutes of sewing into each day, with some days being more successful than others. I’m ready to start putting this quilt top together now. It is “Spool Souffle” from the Fat Quarter Shop
That is one over-eager Christmas catus! Although, mine have produced out of season too – sometimes blooming at (Canadian) Thanksgiving and again at Christmas, or at Christmas and Easter.
I’m looking at your hoop house, and I’m getting eager to plan my garden! The seed catalogue came before Christmas, but we haven’t had much time to peruse it yet. The forecast is for another bone-chilling cold spell and snow like we haven’t had in years, so all I can do for now is dream….
LOVE those spools!
That cactus is definietly an over-achiever! Although, I think I’ve had one or two that bloomed at (Canadian) Thanksgiving and again at Christmas, or at Christmas and again at Easter.
I’m getting eager for gardening season here now that I’ve seen your plants! The seed catalogue came before Christmas, but we haven’t had time to really check it out just yet. Our forecast for the next month is more bone-chilling cold spells and snowfall like we haven’t seen in years, so I think we have a bit of time…
LOVE those spools!
Nice cactus! For once ours have bloomed closer the Christmas and some still have a few buds. Good idea to sew a little every day; I’ve been trying to do that with my knitting projects.