It was a beautiful morning, so we decided to work outside. I finished skirting the fleeces and then we started to set up the beehives for the bees coming to live with us on Sunday. We bought new frames as the old ones were well used. The location is set and one hive is ready. The other is still here in the garage as the weather suddenly changed and we had a good blast of hail and a downpour. It is still raining.
A short nap and then spinning seemed like an excellent idea. I filled the bobbin and this is the swift that I put it on. The yarn broke at about the half way point on the bobbin, so I just wound off to that point as I think I can get the rest of the yarn spun on this bobbin.
From there it gets washed, dried and then a sample is made. I counted 460 yards in this hank. This is about a sport weight yarn or perhaps a bit less, so I should have enough for a simple cardigan.