As I sat down and thought about writing this blog, I wondered how I could make white fiber and an incredible number of hours seem like fun. I decided that only one who enjoys the process of taking the fiber from raw to finished could understand. And it would probably be the same if I had a piece of wood with which I was planning to make a fancy planter, or paints to create a photo. I cannot create the fancy planter or paint the picture, so am happy to purchase from someone who can.
As I brush the dogs, I save what is fairly clean to spin. The above is a pile of Pyrenees dog wool, which has soft undercoat mixed with the hair. I will spin wool and alpaca to ply with it. It will give me hours and hours of enjoyment while I think of those before us who had to make clothes this way. After I spin and ply it, I will select a pattern (probably a hat) to knit. Then in years to come, I will have a memory of these special dogs.

This a good look at hours and hours and hours and more hours of spinning. When spinning, a little fiber gives hours of enjoyment. I can’t think of another hobby that ones can get so much fun for the cost.

When the weather warmed up enough to go out and work, I did get another row and a half cleared of weeds and potatoes planted. As you can see in the darker areas, there are some volunteers from last year. I think we will try putting black plastic on the hillsides between the rows as there is just too much hill and too steep to keep it under control.
Loved this post!