Daily Archives: April 17, 2015



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garden continues


Continuing from yesterday:   the fertilizer was raked in, then watered and a double row of potatoes was planted on each side of the path.   That is a total of 40 feet with double rows..   The garlic was planted to the back.  I have more potatoes and garlic to plant but will have to weed the next level below to have room.   That will give me something to do next week.   I think I’ll rake the hay out of the aisle and just burn those weeds when I burn the ones on the big slopes between the boxes.   There are still beets, cukes, corn and other items going out here plus what is going into the hoop house late.


Ava is so smart.   There are two feed pans in the sheep enclosure.    She watches me and when I put some in one pan, she runs to the other so she is there to get it first.   The others come over when the first pan is empty.


There have been several car trips this week, but not a  lot of knitting.   Today, we picked up the rototiller from its annual maintenance.   So I have knit this far on another dish cloth.   The name of the pattern is Ostrich Plume  dish cloth,  It is a 4 row sequence with only row 3 really creating the pattern.   I’m using a Peaches and Crème yarn.