Daily Archives: May 4, 2018



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Busy days

These busy days created a very busy week.  Some of the highlights included:

Shopping for us and the dogs.

 I was lured by 3 of these lovely hanging baskets.

We looked at the babies with a large marking crayon.  A stripe down the back means that this one will be finding a new home.  A mark on the head means this one gets to stay here and will be re-evaluated later.  Sometimes, it is a difficult decision.

Oops, escapees.  It would have been okay earlier in the day, but I don’t enjoy trying to outwit them at the end of the day.

Lasagna and cake for lunch tomorrow.

Gorgeous flowers for my special day from my son’s in-laws.

If you are small enough, your whole head fits into the feeder and you get the prime feed.

   It seemed we had an appointment every day. I have most of the winter plants cleaned out of the hoop house now and can put more summer plants in.   It’s time to get all the fruit trees fertilized, and get the outside garden ready to plant in another week.   It seems the days are just going to get busier for another two weeks.   I’m praying for enough energy to get it done.   Then I’m hoping it will calm down enough to get back to the studio.

I’m so glad we get a day of rest at the end of each week – Happy Sabbath to each of you.