Monthly Archives: August 2017



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More animal adventures


Animal adventures are getting a bit too time consuming around here.   The dogs managed to get out to the road and visit with a couple neighbors this morning.   Beau got out of one pasture into another 4 times before we figured out how he was doing it.   He also got a cut, so he gets to go to the vet for 3-4 stitches.   Tomorrow, the electricity will be moved lower on the gate.   Then we’ll let him test it again.

It was hot for here today.   At 95 degrees, even the bees came out to get cooled off.  See the mass of black on the gray box.   That is just a mass of bees.  I’ll check their box again tomorrow.   Maybe they need another box for ventilation.   See the fellow in the background?   If they see me, their is one thing on their mind:   FOOD.  Yes, I am the food dispenser.

After all that fun and running around this morning, I was able to spend a bit of time in the studio (where it is also cooler) this afternoon.   I think I will get this fellow finished on Sunday.

Tomorrow, there is gym, then picking blueberries, watering and another doctor appointment.



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Fiber adventures

It was time for “Fiber adventures” with these 4 boys as it is time to leave their mothers.  They are getting old enough to be potent and dumb enough to catch any female in their area including their mother and sisters.

So I recruited a friend and her two helpers.   The lambs and mothers had the run of the property in the early spring, so these lambs knew their way around.   They knew there were two ways around the garage, two ways around the house and they knew the complete circle around the hoop house.   So they gave us all a good adventure.  These dogs were hot and tired.   Moving 4 boys 400 feet away from their mother so there was a complete pasture between them was a lot of work.   Here the dogs are getting to cool off after all that running.

These 4 beautiful boys are now in their new pasture where they will stay until sold.   They are beautiful with nice fine fleece.  However, many of the rams do not get to play the breeding game.   They are kept for their nice fleeces or become BBQ.

Every once in awhile, we get excitement around here and this was one of those days.   Another of those days, is when we have to change the coats on our ewes.  This day is overdue.   It is just too hot this week.  However, we did get to the feed store to get more grain.   Unfortunately, others shepherds had the same idea and we will go back sooner than if we had been able to get a full load.