Daily Archives: January 31, 2017



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Quilt finish #4 and a disaster

IMG_0063zQuilt finish #4 for this year is the shop hop blocks from 2004.   I’m so happy they are in a completed project.   This quilt is 41″ square – just perfect for a baby.  I put a polka dot backing on it (but forgot to take a photo).

IMG_0064zEvery quilter needs a disaster to keep her/him humble.   After finishing the quilt above, I thought I’d get another done in a quick minute.   Not so, the thread jumped out of from between the disks which I didn’t notice and left me this mess.   I just took it off the machine, will take all this mess out and start over another day.   I’m so glad it happened right at the beginning of the quilt as it is back breaking to take many stitches out when it is still on the machine.

And just for fun, we went to Costco to get our passport photos taken.   DH will mail them off tomorrow.   Who knows if we’ll need these, but if so, we will have them.