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Too much excitement

Today has been filled with too much excitement.    I was blending some tomato sauce when the lid flew off.  (no photo)  The kitchen is a bit cleaner now.   Then went out to put something in the freezer and found this freezer –  which was over half full – has died.   A quick transfer of ingredients to other freezers in the house saved the ingredients.   Now all freezers are full and there will be more food coming in.


The good excitement is that the dozer is here taking out the huge blackberry patch, which is basically what looks like dead grass in this photo .    We had it all weed whacked down and then just decided to have it all taken out and pasture put in.  This is just a small part of all the blackberry and nettles that are on this property.   My guess is that when he is done, it will be about 4 acres worth.   It is too much work to whack it down every summer.   He has just started, so will keep you posted

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