Daily Archives: February 25, 2014



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Embroidering Jeans

New jeans call for new embroideries.   So that’s what happened today.   I first removed the inside seam as far up as I needed to lay it flat.

P1000866 opening jeans legs

Since I wanted the  design to be only slightly to the front and over the outside seam, I checked to make sure the  design was lined up that way and without wrinkles.

P1000867 opened jeans leg

I hooped cut away stabilizer and then sprayed sticky 505 so that the jeans would adhere to the stabilizer while stitching.  I also pinned the jeans to the side of the stabilizer just inside the hoop as they are heavy and could fall off the machine.

Then I altered the design to fit the area.   I really like Zundt designs.   They are beautiful with adequate coverage while staying soft.


P1000868 first emb done

I liked the way the first one turned out well enough, I decided to just reverse the design for the other leg and I also did change one of the colors for fun.

P1000870  both legs done and hemmed

Here they are with the side seam sewn back up, hemmed  and ready to wear.