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Housekeeping clutter

Housekeeping clutter

I’m not sure where all this dirt and clutter comes from.  Today was the day to move and sweep under and behind everything except the very heavy dressers in the master bedroom. This room has not been top priority the last few weeks as projects, mail, fleeces etc. have made their way in and not been designated a place to live.   They get in here on the pretense they’re only  going to be there a few minutes to possibly overnight and the next thing, it seems they have taken up residence.

Let’s start with the mail.  There are the USB sticks I ordered and will take some time to study and learn the information they hold, but they belong where the cutting machine and computer are, not in the master bedroom.   They just never made it downstairs to the studio.

Then there are magazines waiting to be read the last thing before lights out.  Oh, and the mail, to which I want to respond immediately – but sometimes gets out of date before that happens -and the coupons to be used when I go to the store .

There is the yarn.  The hanks just need to be rolled into balls and put on the “ready to use” shelf as a package with the pattern and needles.   That takes about an hour to roll these hanks and put with the needles and pattern.   And yes the box of knitting needles is here waiting for the correct needles to be put into those packages.  Then the needle box can go back to its home.  And there is a stack of printed patterns so I can decide what I want to knit next.   There is even a pair of started socks in here in case I run out of something to do at night before lights are turned out.

There is the spinning wheel that lives over by the big window.  That’s fine and there is room, but it invites fleeces that want to be tried and a sampled so we can market them.

And somehow gifts finished for Christmas land in here waiting for the bit of finishing and the big event.

Oh, I nearly forgot the seed catalogs are coming in and they must be looked at with half open eyes and the garden needs to be planned, so the seed can be ordered.

There are a few things with no home that somehow think if they make it this far, they will find a home.

I didn’t mention the planning book that goes everywhere with me so I have an idea of what  I’m supposed to be doing.   Nor does this include necessities like reading glasses and essential oils.

I am sure there is more, but you have the idea.   Right now, there is not an empty surface and there are boxes on the floor (which is now clean) that need to be dealt with this coming week so that we can reclaim this room.

And why does the dogs comb and brush need to be in here?  They really do have a home in the study.

 I am truly wealthy and to have these issues is a blessing.   People with nothing don’t have them.  I am thankful.

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