


So many lists!

Now I need a list of my lists.   Just to clarity this list making:  I make many lists, which means I’ve always something to do.  I find that when I can’t  quickly come up with something I want to do, if is very easy to just waste time  Let’s say I have 10 minutes before I have to make a meal.   Well that’s not much time and maybe I don’t want to clean, or start another project, but if I see a short and fast thing to do on a list, I can quickly do it and I get to check it off.   Or maybe it will just be a small part of something larger that will get done, like a sock or pot holder.   In either event, I have profitably used those minutes  and you would be amazed at how many minutes I can while away without my lists, usually on something like facebook .     However, I also know that I will not get everything on my lists done and that’s ok. Right now my lists have started to look like this.

  1. Farm list:  7 items
  2. DIY    1 item
  3. Knitting and crochet:  49 goals
  4. Sewing:  118 items

  5. quilting: 71 goals

  6. and so it goes with each category

Of course these are fluid – at least until I can get back into the studio and see for sure what I have put in my “to do” stack.   Some may be deleted and more may be added.   Don’t forget to add in time for those gifts you may want to make or charity work you enjoy.

Then I’ll make a calendar, deciding how much time there is for each item in that month.  Obviously the winter will be more sewing types and the summer – more garden, animals, and so forth.    So my monthly calendar has to allow for appointments, family, weather, etc.  It may work out to a 120 hour work month for list items.   Then, I go through the lists  and give each item a time for completion or how long I’ll be working on it.  Then I could say, I  have 60 hours this month for quilting, 10 for knitting, 10 for gardening, 20 for animals, and 10 for spinning.    When I actually near the month, I can customize it to the appointments and how much of which I want to do.    The lists also have many short jobs, such as a knitted potholder that I can work on in spare minutes, or in the car.  And at this time, I also put in the menus for at least 3 days a week.

It takes planning time up front for me, but it pays off as I can see all these checks for something done.    Try it, you just might like it!       Oh, forgot about the sick days – you’ll be too busy to get sick.    But if something comes up, you’ll can look at your accomplishments and know that it’s okay.  And if a friend pops in, enjoy the visit, look how much you’ve already accomplished.

Your goal was to get as much done as possible which is not the same as everythingee you could think to put on your lists.

Just in case this isn’t as clear as I think, when we come closer to January, I’ll post my goal sheet for you to see.


2 Responses

  1. Judy S says:

    Yes, our different Christmas cacti are either done blooming or still in bloom, and then there’s the stubborn one that shows no sign of blooming. Go figure!