Monthly Archives: December 2015



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Slow motion


Slowly, very slowly, I’m moving forward.   Here is a scarf I finished for myself.



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Another day

There is nothing to show from yesterday or today because the meds are keeping me a bit groggy and I’m not getting anything done except keeping the bed warm most of the day.   Tomorrow is off to the dentist – I’m assuming my mouth is feeling that it must have a turn as well.    So I’m aiming to be back on Monday.   Thanks for your patience.

Mostly ramble


Here are the hat photos that my computer was fighting two nights ago.   There was no post last night due to pain killers throughout the day. The doctor said a major nerve is just above the cut, which makes me feel pain in areas unrelated to the ankle.    I understand very little of all of this.   The body is a marvelous machine.   The more I learn, the more in awe of God I am.


However, yesterday,  I did start this pair of gloves – at least they are cast on.  They are a real stretch for me, as I am not used to reading the graphics for knitting.   I read the instructions several times, left them and came back and read them again.   Now I believe I understand them.

 Then my attention span jumped to chaining and doing the first row of a baby quilt.     The rest of the day was spent trying to sleep off the Oxycodone

 Today was a trip back into Seattle to see the doctor.   He was pleased with the way the foot looks.


He had the big splint taken off as well as the stitches removed.


This is the small opening through which they got soft interior bone to graft to the ankle.


 Then I got this wonderful boot, which I really like.   It is much more comfortable, feels like it supports my foot,  and is removable.  Also, it gives me clothing options, since I only had two pair of shorts that would go over the splint.   The new guidelines are that the first week, I can use the walker by just putting a little weight on this foot, and each week I can add, so that – as long as there is no pain – in a month I may be able to walk without the walker.   After that, it will be a matter of strength training on this leg.   Anyway, that’s the current plan.




The last hat


The hats are done, and I need to get some more yarn to finish the scarves.

Yesterday our daughter and son-in-law were here.   He walked our fence line and found trees across the fence on opposite sides.  We were blessed in that our dogs and sheep stayed here.   And today we had a fellow out doing some repair.  Since he can only work on it on Sundays, it won’t be finished for another week or two, but we have a smaller pasture that all can be in while we wait.

But wait!   That wasn’t enough.  We discovered the freezer we keep our dog meat in died..   So tomorrow, phoning to find a new freezer will be high on my list.   Unfortunately because we didn’t have warning, we didn’t have time to shop.   So I’m first going to talk to the used appliance people here and if nothing there, it will have to be a big box store.    The fun doesn’t end.




So many lists!

Now I need a list of my lists.   Just to clarity this list making:  I make many lists, which means I’ve always something to do.  I find that when I can’t  quickly come up with something I want to do, if is very easy to just waste time  Let’s say I have 10 minutes before I have to make a meal.   Well that’s not much time and maybe I don’t want to clean, or start another project, but if I see a short and fast thing to do on a list, I can quickly do it and I get to check it off.   Or maybe it will just be a small part of something larger that will get done, like a sock or pot holder.   In either event, I have profitably used those minutes  and you would be amazed at how many minutes I can while away without my lists, usually on something like facebook .     However, I also know that I will not get everything on my lists done and that’s ok. Right now my lists have started to look like this.

  1. Farm list:  7 items
  2. DIY    1 item
  3. Knitting and crochet:  49 goals
  4. Sewing:  118 items

  5. quilting: 71 goals

  6. and so it goes with each category

Of course these are fluid – at least until I can get back into the studio and see for sure what I have put in my “to do” stack.   Some may be deleted and more may be added.   Don’t forget to add in time for those gifts you may want to make or charity work you enjoy.

Then I’ll make a calendar, deciding how much time there is for each item in that month.  Obviously the winter will be more sewing types and the summer – more garden, animals, and so forth.    So my monthly calendar has to allow for appointments, family, weather, etc.  It may work out to a 120 hour work month for list items.   Then, I go through the lists  and give each item a time for completion or how long I’ll be working on it.  Then I could say, I  have 60 hours this month for quilting, 10 for knitting, 10 for gardening, 20 for animals, and 10 for spinning.    When I actually near the month, I can customize it to the appointments and how much of which I want to do.    The lists also have many short jobs, such as a knitted potholder that I can work on in spare minutes, or in the car.  And at this time, I also put in the menus for at least 3 days a week.

It takes planning time up front for me, but it pays off as I can see all these checks for something done.    Try it, you just might like it!       Oh, forgot about the sick days – you’ll be too busy to get sick.    But if something comes up, you’ll can look at your accomplishments and know that it’s okay.  And if a friend pops in, enjoy the visit, look how much you’ve already accomplished.

Your goal was to get as much done as possible which is not the same as everythingee you could think to put on your lists.

Just in case this isn’t as clear as I think, when we come closer to January, I’ll post my goal sheet for you to see.





A black Scarf


I move slowly when lying prone, but did sit up enough to knit on this black scarf, which I’m really liking.   I’m being really good most of the time with keeping the foot up and hoping that the doctor will be full of good news Tuesday.



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QS Christmas party



















Quality Sew Fun had their annual  Christmas party today and it was wonderful to get out of the house for awhile.  Basically they had a brunch and lots of questions that you received a ticket for having the right answer.   The tickets were in a drawing – no several drawings as they had many gifts.    It’s always nice to see faces you are familiar with even if one doesn’t know the name that attaches to it.    Then it was time for “show n tell” where we were able to “show off” what we’ve done.   Their were not as many participants as usual and what were there were difficult to photograph.   I took a giraffe quilt, which got the appropriate oohs, and ahhhs.




Then DH, Mary, and I came home to relax and Mary and I made these two hats.    It was a fun and exhausting day and now the leg is up and resting.



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A very little here and there

Yes, I did start on the list making, but seem to be easily distracted.   The first list of course is the lists of lists.

Lists of things to do

  1. Do it yourself projects such as make soap

  2. embroidery

  3. garden to organize

  4. knitting and crochet projects

  5. quilting

  6. recipes to try

  7. sewing projects

  8. spinning and dyeing

Things to learn

  1. knitting machine

  2. Scan n cut

  3. Serger

goals with animals and gym

These are the broad catagories I came up with.   I need to get more specific inside each.   Then I can break that down into monthly goals.

Then because I don’t stick to one project well right now, I started a Seahawks beanie and worked more on the ancestry    The ancestry goal is to find the most direct route to becoming a  DAR  (daughter of the American Revolution) member.

And I tucked a nice long nap in between a couple of these projects.




Low power

I’m running on slow power (that’s all I get with my leg up).   I was able to do a bit of genealogy today that I had promised.   Now I’ll wait until she gets back to me to see where we go from here.

It  is probably a good idea to spare you the DH  antics in the kitchen.   But know that it is not his most comfortable place in the house

Tomorrow I will pull out info and start my list making for 2016.  Now that I have come this far, I’ll probably need them. Have any of you started your lists for this coming year?   I would absolutely love to hear what about them.   I will post various lists as I get them formed, and who knows maybe I’ll get enough energy this week to pull out the knitting again.



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summer socks2

 IMG_3612I failed to mention yesterday that the yarn used was Regia and I knitted them as a “plain Jane” pair of  socks.

I only had to finish the toes on these socks today, so was little knitting.   They are knit from  “Sock it to me” by Elan.   I started a scarf, which I should have been able to do in an afternoon, but I think my mind is being played with.   I ripped back several times and ended up going back to the beginning.   Maybe tomorrow.