Category Archive: Foods



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Look at my little workers.    There are lots of them in there now, but as soon as they see light, they head down under.

 P1020108 worms

I absolutely love it when all I have to do is walk out in the garden and decide what to fix for a meal.     Today I dug somewhat more than 10# of lovely red potatoes.  There are plenty more out there to dig and put away for winter use.

 P1020097 sm reds

P1020096lg red potatoes

Then I spied some salad onions that were ready

 P1020098 table onions

Going in another direction, there were beautiful tomatoes, (some of which are being popped into the freezer until I have cooler weather to deal with them)

 P1020099 tomatoes P1020101 P1020109 picture book tomatoes

lettuce, kale, basil and celery

 P1020103 celery, lettuce, kale, basil

So how does baked potatoes and a large salad fresh from the garden sound to you?       Thank you, Father!

And this afternoon it was back to the wholesale house for  towel hangers and a towel paper fixture that we didn’t select yesterday.  We should have taken a list.





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July socks 2


P1020013 purple socks strat

I’m not sure what pattern I want to use on the stripped socks that I started yesterday, so I put them aside and started these purple ones instead.   As you can see, I’ll have to be a speed demon to get them done by the end of the month and since there is gardening and watering to do,  they probably won’t get finished this month.   But then, I did get a cowl done this month, so maybe that counts as 1/2 a pair of socks.

P1020006 omatoes

These are from the volunteer tomatoes that I left in the greenhouse.  This is a 2 gallon container, half full.   I swore I would not keep anymore volunteers, but I’m about to relent and maybe keep 6 plants.   They are so much earlier than the other tomatoes.

P1020008 elephant garlic

I bought a clove of Elephant garlic at the grocery store and saved 6  pieces to plant (outside)   It did so well,  I plant to put in even more this year.  I’ll save back from these plants.

P1020009 reg garlic

This normal looking garlic grouping has both some red and some white.   I’m thinking I bought a small package of it for planting.   But that was last fall and my mental computer fails me.

P1020010 garlic starts

These little things are on the side of the normal garlic.   Do you know, can I just plant them and expect garlic next year from them or are they seed and take two years.     Maybe I should look that one  up.  OK   looked that up and yes, I can plant it, but somewhere that it will have two years to grow.  So that might be among other plants since the garlic does give off odor of which many bugs are not fond.

P1020011 cabbage

I put cabbage in the greenhouse  this spring.    My guess is that it was too warm in there for it as it didn’t grow well.   So these are rather cute little “personal” sized cabbages.   Next year after I get it started, I’ll put it out in the garden and put slug bait around it daily.   Slugs got all the broccoli that I put out this year.   But then I only put the bait out on a weekly basis and it rained profusely.

P1020012 lettuce

The lettuce is needing to be replanted this week in a different spot as it has become leggy with other plants shading it too much.  So I’ll plant it where I took the cabbage out.

   I could show you the raspberries, but I’m afraid the didn’t even hit the bowl.   They were directly consumed.     I like these plants that produce year after year without replanting.



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Class day 3 and home again

IMG_0466 Judith M teaching

Not only did Judith have an abundance of information to pass on to us, but her classes were an explosion of color.   And of course some came to live with me.    Right in the middle of this photos is one of the pieces that followed me – the ones that have green, yellow,  red, and purple.    These two pieces are supposed to turn into a pair of socks.   I brought home much more fiber and have a lot of homework to do!

After our last class, we toured a small cottage industry.   Barry and his wife, Linda, custom card for  clients.   They wash and dye it and then do the processing.

IMG_0488 picked fabric

  This is where the fluff is thrown after the picker attacks it

IMG_0476 carding machine

Then it goes through the carder

 IMG_0472 carding machine

You can see some of his assortment on the wall to the left of the carder.

And then it was home again.   It is so much easier to spin without one’s normal interruptions.

P1010972 thieves in raspberries

See the thieves in the raspberry patch?   Actually I didn’t have time to pick before I left so they came and picked.

P1010976  7-9 tomatoes and raspberries

This is what I picked today.  About 2 cups of raspberries and at least that many tomatoes.   It’s really difficult to say how many when one is popping them in the mouth as they are picked.




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I’m wishing all of you across our Northern border a very happy celebration day .  Not only is it Canada Day, but it is the first day of the second half of the year.   Up until now the year has plodded, now it will race toward the end.  So now is the time to start thinking about holiday gifts.

Today I will try to make my monthly list, and get it posted tomorrow.   Somehow that didn’t happen last month and I did not get as much done as I could have.   I think I wasted lots of small time periods.  And since we are predicted to get to 90 today, it seems like a great afternoon to go to Costco and get that shopping done.   Maybe I can get to Hobby Lobby, a store nearby to which I haven’t yet been.   (Can you tell shopping isn’t my thing)

We went to Costco and bought minimally, and nothing at Hobby Lobby.

P1010923 broccoli P1010921 cauliflower

I started my morning with cleaning the broccoli, and cauliflower that I let get to nearly blooming.   They will still be just fine for soups this winter.  They are now in the dehydrator.

P1010925 carrots P1010922 cabbage

 There was still some cabbage and carrots  in the refrigerator drawer, so they were added to the dehydrator.  There are more cabbages, both white and red waiting to be picked, so it’s good to have this processed.   And it these dehydrated vegetables will taste so good in the winter soups.  And while I was preparing these, I made a carrot salad for lunch and put some of the veggies in a separate bowl for stir fry.

Strawberries are finished, but I did pick raspberries yesterday.  A friend did us a favor and I gave them to him for his family.   So I will post photos from the next picking.

This week also is the time to start planting my winter foods such as root crops and lettuces that will go through the winter.  So there is plenty to do.



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Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries

P1010858 berry boxes

Having decided I have lots of energy (must keep telling self this), I ordered 150# of the best organic strawberries.   150# is 15 full flats.   We picked them up at 10 this morning and have been working on them.  I washed and stemmed and he cut and packed into the vacuum bags.

P1010860 stemming

We did take a quick lunch break and then right back to working on the berries until 6 this evening.   We now have about 110# in the freezer, vacuum packed in smaller quantities. The rest are either in our stomachs or in the refrigerator waiting until morning.   I’ll put 4 batches in the freezer with just the quantity for the jam recipe.   That will probably take most of the rest.    I’ll leave a few out for eating.

These will be oh, so good, this winter and will remind us that summer will soon be here again.



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Strawberries n Bees

P1010685 strawberries

Strawberries!.   This is one of the reasons we garden.  There is nothing like very fresh strawberries (and other fresh foods).   These are picked, rinsed, stemmed, sliced and eaten over zucchini bread asap.   We aren’t yet growing enough to keep us throughout the winter.   So in 2 weeks, I’ll be buying a hundred pounds from the local farm and freezing them.  That will be a long working day to get them in the freezer.  When it’s ugly outside, summer fruits remind us there will be another summer with better weather.


P1010684 bees

This is another of “our” crops.   Actually we let the bees do the work.   I painted some new boxes for them today.   Here, I’m checking to see if the bees need another box yet and the answer is no.    Notice I’m not holding them too close.    I found the hive to the right in the photo no longer has bees in it.   I don’t know what happened, but did take the box apart.    I will check the bees again next week  as I see the blackberries are in full bloom and that is their primary crop.

Some corn and string beans went into the ground as well today.   You will get to see a photo when they show their little faces.

Have you ever broken a VitaMix?    I use it so often that the bearings came out of it yesterday.   I love that machine.    So today I called the company and will have a new blade assembly in about a week.   They were so very pleasant and helpful on the phone.  He assured me that is a rare occurrence, but was happy that I am using it so much.   And I am happy that I have two jars, so that I can continue making smoothies and other foods while the new one is in route.




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In the Kitchen – Granola and Broccoli recipes

Yesterday we made granola which is really fast to do and isn’t nearly as sweet as what one gets in the grocery store.


  • 10 cups rolled oats

  • 1 cup sunflower seeds

  • 1/2 cup raw cashews

  • 1/2 cup slivered or ground almonds

  • 1/2 cup honey

  • 1/2 cup olive oil

Mix all together and put in dehydrator until done – usually 2 days in mine.    This is very basic and I often put up to 3 cups of seeds and nuts without changing the rest of the recipe. (instead of just two)   Adding a bit more or less of the oats, seeds, or nuts or adding other items just adds variety to your breakfasts.   If adding dried fruit, add it after you take it from the dehydrator.

QUINOA with Broccoli

  • 1 1/2 cup quinoa cooked as box states in 2 cups chicken flavored bullion

  • 1 onion sauted then add

  • 1 large head of broccoli and cooked until barely tender

  • 11/2  cup vegan or any type cheese such as cashew cheese  (I used Daiya cheese for this photo)

Mix quinoa, broccoli, and cheese together and place in casserole dish.  Pour cheese over top and bake 400 about 30 minutes.

This recipe was adopted from Vegkitchen    When served for company, we don’t have leftovers for the next day.

P1010622 quinoa w broc

Cream of Broccoli Soup

This makes 9-10 cups of thick soup and stays hot awhile.

  • broccoli – approx. 8 cups   I peel and save chopped stems in the freezer from when we have steamed broccoli.

  • 1/2 cup red pepper  – I use what I have or even what I have dehydrated

  • onion – 1 large chopped

  • 5 cups water

  • 1.5 t salt

  • garlic powder 1/2-1 teas (depend on taste)

  • 1 teas savory – optional

  • 2 Tbs chicken flavored bullion

Place onion, seasonings, and about 5 cups of water in large kettle   Simmer til broccoli stems are tender.   Sometimes I will blend this and Then add the broccoli crowns – about 3 cups and red pepper.    Simmer about 5 minutes.

If you are freezing it, this is where I freeze and add the rest after thawing.

In the blender add 3/4 cup cashews, 1 cup water and 1/3 cup potato starch*.     Add to soup, stir and serve.

Sometimes we add a spoonful of salsa to the top.

*Instead of potato flour, you could use a cup plus of well-cooked rice or a large potato, well cooked.   Either will thicken the soup.

P1010621 Boc soup

These recipes are not exact as that’s the way I cook.  So if you can fudge one way or the other on them.

I hope you enjoy them.




A pinwheel baby quilt ++

Some days have more interesting things than others and today was a good one.   First I thought you might like to see what we use as insecticide.   These are the baby Bantams you saw two months ago.

P1010595 insectivores

Another beautiful iris has opened.

P1010593 Beautiful iris

The first broccoli of the season from our garden.   The one was absolutely delicious for lunch and I may have been a little over exuberant on the other and picked it a bit too soon.   But I’m sure it will also be delicious.

P1010594 first broccoli

I was asked to make a quilt top for a baby girl arriving in July.   When I asked what color, I got no response.  Since she will be flooded with pink, I decided on something a bit different.   What do you think?

P1010597 pinwheel baby quilt top

For backing, I’ve picked out this fleece.   They are now mounted on the quilting machine.   My thinking was that they will be able to use it with the next baby, even if it is a boy.  Any guesses how long it takes to get back to this project?

 I saved the bad news until last.   The coyote came to visit when the dogs were in the house because the neighbor thinks they are noisy at night (coyotes live in his yard)     We now have only two geese left.



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Have you been to Craftsy, yet?   They have a multitude of classes on different topics.  They even have some mini-classes that are free so you can try their classes and see if you like them.    Look here for the list of freebies     

I have taken the pizza making one and just now enrolled in the one on knife skills.   I have also signed up for several that have been on sale and still have not finished all those classes, but am working on them.

Once you sign up for one of their classes, you can take it as many times as you want until you master the subject they are teaching.     I’m delighted with these classes as sometimes it takes me seeing something new a few times before I really retain it.     Class subject are on food, gardening, painting, drawing, sewing, quilting, embroidery, etc.   I know I missed some, but I think you would enjoy having a look.



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Bananas and other

We will be watching tonight’s health lecture which runs all week, if you are interested.   They have been super good. Here is the site:

Yeah! we finished extracting the  honey {11 pints) and cleaned the extractor.   This took up the morning and would you know when I was in the tub with my hair wet and water still going, the phone rang.   It was the produce man with overripe bananas which we were to come get.   Then the doorbell rang.   Fortunately, DH was home and answered that.    Now please explain why both had to wait until I was really busy.

No photos of the  honey as we put it all in used margarine tubs for our own use.

 The bananas are all cut and in the freezer.  They will be packed in baggies, ready for smoothies.

P1010260 sliced bananas

And here are the skins.   P1010261 banana skins

Guess what we did with them.     Threw them to the chickens, of course,  but got this surprise.

P1010263 sheep eating skins