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Amos and Andy arrived

Amos (dark) and Andy arrived in this world while I was bottle feeding thee three that started the birthing event this year.  Most of these lambs have a dark daddy and a white mother.  And they are pretty well split between the dark and the white.

We had company share lunch with us today.  I made a lasagna using foods from the freezer, which were tomatoes, zucchini and Swiss chard.  It was delicious.   I’m working hard on my goal of using all the foods in at least one of the two freezers before we start putting food in for the next winter.  We start with strawberries, so we will need some foods in the second freezer to carry us through until the bulk of the seasonal produce that we freeze gets ripe.  But it would be nice to start the winter with totally new foods in the freezer.

It was suggested to me tonight that if I wanted to be inspired to lose some weight, I should watch a Netflix film “Obesity – the post-mortem”   It was an interesting film, but takes a strong stomach.

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