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2018 shearing DONE

We had 15, mostly Cormo sheep left to shear for this year.  Elizabeth came with lots of energy, ready to shear the rest of them.  She is so calm with them, they nearly fall asleep while she is shearing them.  And now 2018 shearing is done

Babies find a mom who will tolerate their climbing – at least until she is sheared.  And they do need a ladder to reach into this feeder.

See this handsome fellow?   The head and horns are incredible!   Sheep are very visual and after shearing do not recognize each other.   So there is much noise because babies can’t find their mothers, and the ewes don’t know each other.   The two males had to re-establish their pecking order, which meant they were brutal to each other.    We have to put the males in a  very small pen for a day or two so they don’t have room to back up and get a run at each other and kill the opponent.  The two boys were in a 4 x 6′ area with chain link on three sides and 2 x 12″ lumber on the other.   They bent the chain link and were trying to go through the wood.   They were acquainted with each other enough this morning that we were able to put them back in their big one acre pen with hot wire.  If you ever see two of these fellows establishing who is primary,  you will have a very good understanding of the word “ram”.

Here is Beau in the car with all the bags of wool.   He is making sure the car is not moving without him in it.


Fleece, fleece everywhere and we must skirt it to make it ready to sell.  Then there is the web page to make and the shows to enter.

And now have your tissue box ready as this is that funny  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92lofCtx52k

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