


Dog and pony show; omg

It seems like a dog and pony show around here.   Today, the dogs realized the fence isn’t hot because of the tree across it.   In addition to that, it has pulled the fence down and the gate has a big gap in it.   I had company when they learned this.   I didn’t know where Beau was, but I had to catch Lacey or she would have gone out with the company and met up with Beau and it would have been a very long trip for the two of them.   I did catch Lacey and brought her into the house.   Then I started the car and Beau was close enough to hear the engine.   He likes going, so when I got to the bottom of our hill, he was waiting to come in through the gate.   Big relief!.   So I put these two dogs in “doggie jail” which is 8′ x 20′.    Then I gave each a bone.   A big fight ensued.  But these dog fights are more noise than any thing else.  I just have to stay out of the way while they are deciding who is in charge.   When that settled down, I gave them dinner, which started the whole thing all over again.    That done, I went off to feed and water all the other animals that call this place home.   The two little goats decided they would like to see the inside of the house and did their best to get in.  We nipped that one in the bud.  But they did get in about 2 feet before they were turned around.   Then while I was feeding the others, Daisy decided it was time to chase chickens, which is a big NO and she knows that, but it is also fun and she is a 5 month old puppy.   I finished all that, and put the two young ewes and the two goats in a horse stall for the night so they wouldn’t get into trouble until tomorrow.  After that we blocked the gate so no one can get through.  Then because Daisy was being a puppy, we let her trade places with Lacey.   So tonight Lacey is guarding the pastures by herself, with backup barking if needed from Daisy and Beau in jail.

Everyone was fed and I need a halter for Daisy, so I went to Explorer, typed in Amazon and clicked the first one that came on.   It was a virus, then I was able to contact the Geeksquad, who frequently saves me from such disasters.  (Believe me this has been very inexpensive insurance)  Now who would have thought that clicking the first Amazon entry would do that?   Computer is all repaired now and I’m ready to drop

Oh, what did I accomplish today?   I changed the light bulb on the stairway and went to the butchers and bought dog bones.   I made some meals and did some dishes.   But perhaps I should have sold tickets to my “dog and pony sheep show.  Bored?  Not a chance!  I am thankful I can sit back and laugh at all this.

And so I don’t forget, here is my OMG = One monthly goal with Elm Street Quilts.   I am happy to sign up for their challenge to get one thing done.   It gives me the extra push I need.  This month isn’t over yet, and I am so hoping to get another 2-3 things checked off the list I made early this month.

2 Responses

  1. Patty says:

    Cute quilts. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  2. I remember days like that! We always “blamed” them on “Murphy” – he apparently is the author of “whatever can go wrong WILL go wrong, at the worst possible moment” – truer words were never spoken!