


June 17 recap

I’ve pushed hard this week to finish two flimsies – one is 73″ square and the other is 59 x71″   And the report is in for the test quilt.


Today there were two potato casseroles made – one for Father’s day and one for us, plus I cleaned 6 gallon bags of picked greens.  Tomorrow, I will grab some from each bag and combine for a salad for the celebration.

The garden is doing good.  The hoop house with 7 zones needs daily watering and the big garden will need watering after the rains cease.  I let someone else pick the pea pods for their use as I just didn’t keep up – especially between the rain squalls.    The strawberries are on their way out and the raspberries are coming in good.   I didn’t get to the blueberries today, but they are just starting, so they can wait until Sunday and the rest of the lavender will also wait.   The peppers need to be tied up – maybe Monday.   I did plant carrots in the hoop house for a winter picking.  The zucchini are so huge, I think they are trying to be tropical plants.   There are 6   4-5″ zucchinis growing.  And the cauliflowers are starting tiny little flowers in the middle.

The bees have been checked for this week.   I added a box to their unit and set up two new hives if they would like to swarm – which doesn’t guarantee they will stay here, but as they are in the peak laying time as well as honey collection time with blackberries blooming, I don’t want to bother them.

The floors are mopped.    Can I just say that I am collecting dust?   That didn’t get done, but DH was good enough to clean the bathrooms, so we are ready for the weekend.    Housework is one of those things that waits until it is so bad, I don’t feel I have a choice.   But I am so thankful to have a roof and things to clean that it doesn’t seem like a chore – just a priority matter.

Today I had a man here to help with some of the larger and heavier pots that needed to be transplanted, but the rain got in the way, so he will be back to help on Monday.   Last week he cut down most of the nettles and blackberries, which is a great help.  At our speed, we can’t do it all by ourselves, so we do hire out the more difficult jobs.  Knowing that moving and using our muscles keeps us younger longer, we do as much ourselves as time allows.

When I needed a break, I did knit couple rows  on the socks.  But 2 days this week, I didn’t get all my steps in so I will have to work harder on that next week.

These days so much of our time hinges around the gardens and soon will include saving the produce for winter.   So even though we are constantly busy, it sometimes seems we get nothing done, because we start again the next day.    I am very thankful that we are able to have the gardens with their produce.

IMG_4725This is what we found when we went into the hay building.  Isn’t she a beautiful bird?    Sadly for her, we took the eggs.   We no longer have a rooster, nor do we want more chickens right now, and we do have someone who wants the eggs.

2 Responses

  1. jatshaw says:

    Amazing how much there is to do outside at this time of year, isn’t it? Have a nice weekend!

    • sharon says:

      Thanks – It seems that everything needs doing at the same time. I hope you enjoyed your weekend.