Category Archive: Sewing



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Sweetpea Pods for gifts

img_0007sLazy Girl’s Sweetpea Pods are fun and make up quickly.   They are marvelous for small items that you would like to keep together and not lose.  If it was holding liquid, I would estimate about 1.5 cups.  It measures about 3 x 6″.   The first one took a bit more time to make.   The  zipper trick was knew to me, and was a bit fiddly the first time, but once you do one, it becomes easy.   The directions are VERY clear.

img_0003sOne needs only a 10″ square of fabric, another of lining, and another of batting to make two of these.   One zipper with two pulls is also needed.   So you can really make these little cuties with scraps.

img_0006sHere is my first one.   They will make perfect little gifts.   I want to look around for some fun zipper pulls to attach.    I highly recommend you make some of these for yourself and for gifts.  The patterns are available at quilt shops as well as on line.

JUST for fun:

img_0001sBig red, medium red, and little red cars were parked in front of us at the grocery store.  It amused me.   It doesn’t take much, does it?

I want to thank each of you who sent suggestions in the medical field.   We have an appointment in a couple weeks and are lining up questions to pursue.

We wish you a wonderful weekend.





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Pintuck class and Lacey comes home

img_5577sToday we used the pintuck foot on the coverstitch part of our serger for a variety of looks.  The first is ordinary pintucks.


Then we made pintucks the other direction for crosshatching.


This piece shows that either the back or the front of the corded pintucks can be used to make the garment interesting.


These corded pintucks have a narrow ribbon sewn on top of the pintuck as the pintuck is created.


And this is a fluffy yarn laid on top of the pintuck as it is created.   There are so many interesting looks one can get with the various ways to sew pintucks.    I really enjoyed this class.


After class, I went to get Lacey.  She has been in the hospital since Monday, but was finally well enough to come home today.   They kindly gave her a bath while she was there and she very clean.   A pasture dog rarely gets a bath.   She dislikes the car, so I asked the attendant to help me put all 80# of her inside the back.   For the first time ever, we got the back open and she jumped right in.   It seems she really was ready to come home.


When the sun came up this morning, it made a beautiful stream through the trees.  And it remained a sunny day – such a treat!



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Serger foot class and pumpkin potholders


Today’s serger foot class was very interesting.  Here are the samples I came home with using the lace foot and the lace foot and the blind hem foot.   The above is sewing lace to lace and lace to fabric as in heirloom sewing.


Then we worked on the flatlock stitch which can be used with either side as the pretty side.   This was very popular on T-shirts a few years ago.


I folded a part of this fabric so you could see both the front and the back on a blind hem.


I tried, but will need more practice to hit those little sequins right in the holes that are in the middle.   I was supposed to just sew in the holes, but obviously, I missed.


And here’s another place that I need more practice.   The one on the left is normal quilt binding.   The one on the right was using commercial bias tape.   Binding potholders is a place with plenty of room for improvement.



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September Sew fun Ideas and “me time”

I made a brief visit to the Sew Fun program this morning and found:

   img_5379a img_5381aThis shirt is from the LoriAnne pattern, with a cowl made to cover the neckline.  What a unique way to change a look!

img_5376a img_5375s



These quilts made from foundation piecing and Mylar Stars books.   Neither were extremely exciting.




Sew Fun had the usual purses and pressing mats, pillows, and even a purse organizer, but I think more thought should have gone into this program.   I think the program chair may be running out of ideas, or maybe it is just difficult to keep coming up with new things to sell us.

I left early and got some quotes on lumber prices to fix the stalls in the barn and a few groceries and was back home by lunch.

AND THEN, after lunch, I took some “me time”   The weather was so beautiful and it will soon be winter, my soul needed to be nourished by just sitting in the sun enjoying the gorgeous view.  Do you ever do that?  Just be quiet, sit, and enjoy.    I think I will do it more often.   Why am I always in such a rush to get things done that I  don’t take time to enjoy the little things?

The rest of the day was spent cleaning a freezer and doing credit checks on a potential tenant.   Tomorrow we will take the money to the attorney and the following day, the papers should be signed.   And then, the real work begins, getting the house ready to live in again.









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Socks and honey

IMG_5219Slowly, but surely, with little minutes here and there.  The gussets are nearly done.  I think I’m a slow knitter because it takes me 18-20 hours to do a pair of socks -time dependent on how much cuff and how many stitches I drop and have to pick up and how many times I have to lay the project down and pick it up again.

No photo, but I spent an hour in the dentist chair this afternoon having 2 small cavities filled.


On the way there, I stopped and bought 2 gallons of honey from a friend who has many hives of bees and has them at various people’s farms.   I learned that our hardware store now sells food grade buckets for food.  And guess what,  their logo gets spread around.  DH believes that everything one sells should have something to help sales.   This qualifies.



The last thing to purchase was a storm door for the hoop house which will be recovered this weekend.

IMG_5220And here’s a HINT: for all these holidays coming up.   Buy yardage, serge or hem the edge, pop it on your table to look all cheery and when the holiday is over, you can save it for next time, or make something else from it.







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September declutter

IMG_5194Today in serger foot class we practiced with the elastic foot both putting elastic on


and putting on  a wire edge which would most likely be used on ribbon.


Then we used our bead foot for beads and


ribbons, yarn, or whatever would go through the machine for a pretty edge.  The classes are fun with only 4 of us and  the teacher having time to show us extra uses.

We are starting the first day of a new month and the first day of the last third of the year.   It has once again come to my attention that we are not promised tomorrow.   And I wish to leave areas that are easy for someone else to step into and take care of the disposal of items – or at least not leave them a mess.  When hospitalized for 3 months several years ago, I was running a business and was very organized.   Others were able to step in and dissolve the business.   When Mother had to move to an assisted living, we were able to easily clean out the house.   So it is possible.   My goal for this month is to declutter and organize the sewing room and at least one other room.  I usually keep like things in the same area which really helps.   How about you – Do you have a room that could use attention?   Would you like to join me?



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August = harvest month

IMG_5163 The morning started with mending 2 pair of pants.   These turned out surprisingly well for daughter.    Then it was off to give a bit of supervision to someone who was going to help me today.   He did get the “wee barn” swept out and the sleeping area for the three sheep all cleaned.  It looks and smells good in there now.


Look at these silly ducks.   Why would you go outside the fence to be able to put your head inside to get water?    Silly, silly ducks.

 I asked my new helper to dig up the potatoes.   The ground is hard, but there are about 100# of potatoes in a 30′ space.   We had a lot of potatoes that didn’t get eaten in time this spring, so we just planted them.   And had the best harvest ever.   I think we’ll get another 100# out of each of the two rows we have left to harvest.   No we don’t need that many, but we won’t starve.    Well, he dug about 30#, decided it was lunch and came and asked for his money after lunch.   Ah,  help is not perfect these days.   So instead of sewing or quilting, I dug potatoes, picked tomatoes, picked a few raspberries and a couple cabbage.  (but you are probably as tired of photos of these as I am of taking them). Then it was time to fertilize and water the hoop house and the raspberries which are looking rather shriveled from lack of water.   Next the front yard and driveway plants were watered and supper was simply leftovers.  There was my day and when did I sew or quilt?

But winter (sewing/quilting time) is coming and the way this harvest has been going, I won’t be spending much time at  the grocery store.  I was lucky that all the running around took care of half of my steps for the day – I’m over my 10,000 goal, and yes I did work in 5 minutes on the elliptical.    I need that exercise to be able to do the other things.   Who has time to grow old?



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Lemon Squeeze jacket and shelves

IMG_5133Shelves have been replaced, so now I can load them up with jars again.   That fiberboard just doesn’t hold them.   I have been to Lowe’s several times to get this wood cut, but their saw has been down.  I get them to cut the right size and then I can put them in myself.

IMG_5134I am drying the parsley I picked Friday and decided to freeze the kale.  I just freeze it whole and when frozen, it is so easy to crumble off the stems.   Then it is easy to add to various dishes.


When Lacey gets too hot, she splashes this water all over herself.   She does not enjoy this hot weather.  Beau’s coat is so different and it doesn’t bother him at all.IMG_5161This is the Lemon Squeeze jacket I showed you earlier.   I finally threaded the serger and sewed this up.   It still needs to be hemmed, but it is all in one piece.

DH spent most of the day watering.   The ground is extremely dry and we are not expecting rain until school starts.   Traditionally it rains some of the first week of school.

Summer’s coming to an end, so enjoy what is left of it.




August Sew Fun

IMG_5121IMG_5120Holiday creativity was the focus this month. These are sweet little girl aprons that could be started now and actually finished in time for Christmas.


IMG_5113IMG_5118 As you can see there was a lot of emphasis on placemats, table cloths and runners as well as bed runners and pillows which make perfect gifts for yourself or someone special.   These are terrific because they don’t take a long time to make, but make a big splash.  IMG_5119This book by Leisure Arts has several nice runners.

And that, my friends, was the Quality Sewing infomercial for August, called “Sew Fun”.   Then over to Lowe’s to get some shelves cut and back to all those wonderful things, we need to get done in the course of a day to survive.  I hope all of you are doing okay with the heat wave.  It was 81 here today and is scheduled to go to 90 tomorrow  ( I’ll be in a class with air conditioning).  Then up to 95 for Friday and Saturday – I may be moving to the basement.   Then we drop back to upper 70s and lower 80s for a week IF the forecast is correct.   So take care, drink fluids, rest, and survive.






A successful day

 I started the morning by opening an email that I should not have opened.   Then I waited for the Geeksquad to remove the virus or whatever from my computer so I could again use it.   After that a phone call to Handiquilter and I believe my machine may be more cooperative.

IMG_5059In between those chores, I did get a pattern copied onto pattern pellon for a jacket.   I even was able to get the main pieces cut out of this cotton fabric.   It will be a loose, lightweight cotton jacket using the new serger.  However, I do not have the right thread, so will pick that up tomorrow.


Off to the grocery briefly for a couple very good watermelons and out to the garden.  We picked the funniest shaped carrots.   Next year the ground will have to be worked deeper.   These poor carrots just could not break through the hardpan.  Still they are delicious.


  These beets were growing beside the carrots, but since they are shorter, they didn’t have the same troubles.   They filled this 4 gallon bucket about 3/4 full.   Oh, and there were a few potatoes that were from a potato that was left in the ground over winter.   I pulled a beet and harvested 6 potatoes much to my surprise.  So we will be enjoying roasted root vegetables.