Category Archive: Sewing




Male & Female cardinal, bee suit and naan

This is the female cardinal paper pieced.  It comes with two patterns and not thinking, I made the one facing the same as the male, so at some point, I will make the other so they can face each other.  I am linking up with ELM STREET Quilts “One Monthly Goal”

I finished this male earlier this month

This is my bee suit.   The bees like to crawl in right at the top of the zipper and sting me on the neck.   NOT a  lot of fun.   So I took a piece of fabric sewed it to the neck of the head piece and it will Velcro to the body part.  This is my effort to keep those bees out of there.

And then because I had time on my hands (and a bridge to sell) I made naan bread

to go with the apple butter that I also made.    If you have not made naan bread before, you might want to try.  It is super simple.   Much easier than making bread.  And the apple butter.   Fill your crockpot with applesauce and add cinnamon or what pleases you and let it simmer until it is half the volume you started with.   Yum.



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Tested bag pattern

This is the bag pattern I tested today from the inside.   I can’t show you the outside until it is published, but I did SEW today.   This is a very roomy bag and I would use it to carry quilts to a show n tell or supplies to a class.   I will give you more details when I can.  Meanwhile, it felt great to be back in the sewing room.

We also had some company for a short while today.  We have so many cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and beets to share today.   It’s nice when someone appreciates them.

If you are in the US and planning to watch the eclipse tomorrow, please take caution and don’t get hurt.

Overwhelmed, understaffed, and lists

What do I do when overwhelmed and understaffed?   I make more and more detailed lists.    At the top of the day, when I wasn’t sure which way to go, I started writing down all the things that were bothering me.   I knew they couldn’t all be achieved today or even this week.  On paper, they are not bogging my brain down.  Having made these lists, I could then do a better job of prioritizing.  And yes, more was added as the day went on.  I mean who knew that

the washing machine wanted to die today?    And who knew that when I went to REI to get a pair of gym pants, they would have nothing casual?  Every pair they had were meant to show every wrinkle in the skin.  So after an hour of driving to and from REI, I went to my list and added, “shop for pants and a washing machine”    Costco is sending me pants to try and probably Sears will be delivering a washing machine (still deciding).   Now that was so much easier and better than chasing all over the countryside, wasting time and gas.   I do love some of these modern conveniences even though I believe that we should know how to be self-sufficient.

And who knew my neighbor would call trying to find another neighbor who was no longer in the nursing home (she was transferred back to the hospital)?   Who knows what a day will bring, which is one reason I need my lists for a larger picture of what has to be done and what can be pushed off.

What did I achieve today?

  1. made these muffins that we had with yogurt and fruit for dinner.

  2.  made a list of things to be done by the woman who periodically helps me with the garden and animals.

  3. Called repair for washer and water under wood floor.   Will run fan for 2 days to try to save floor.

  4. at stated above made a trip to REI

  5. researched which washer I want to buy and sent link to

  6. checked bees water

  7. went through fleeces and put a lock in that sheep’s folder

  8. watered hoop house

  9. paid the bills that were due

  10. Copied the utility bills and delivered the neighbors for them to pay

  11. Checked in with a sheep neighbor for info and to see she’s okay

  12. contacted sheep person for registrations for sheep I purchased a year ago

  13. ordered dog food

  14. did two loads of wash before disaster

  15. got lemon tree moved to hoop house

  16. checked on Aunt and found she was moved to rehab today

  17. sew a button on a jacket

  18. and all the things we do every day and don’t count – sweep floors, make meals, feed animals, etc, etc, etc.

  19. There will be more things done between now and bedtime that I can check off.  But then again, I’ll think of more to add.

  20. sewed on my bunny.

Did you notice how many of these items only took a few minutes?     What did you achieve today?   I’ll bet it was a lot more than you gave yourself credit for.   Make a list of everything you do in a day.   It will surprise you, because normally one gets to the end of the day and can’t think of much that was accomplished.  At least that’s what happens here.  When I make a list, I can see that something is done which in turn makes me feel better.

Okay, it’s your turn.   GO make those lists.  And I would love to hear how it went.




Rip it out

This is a paper pieced rabbit.   My theme seems to be “Rip it out” and do it over again and again and again.  Or put another way: practice, practice, practice.   The entire rabbit paper is 8″ x 8″.    

Here is the ear section.  This ear photo is close to actual size which is 2.5″ from the bottom point to the top midsection.  Those pieces are VERY small and at this point, I have had to tape the pattern to hold it together while I rip it out over and over to get it right.    It all seems very backward to me, but eventually I should learn this way of piecing.



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Finished: Stars a heart, homeless folks


This little 36″ star  quilt, Little Bits “Double star Duo is a paper pieced pattern by Cindi Edgerton with a print date of 2003 on the instructions.   It is now waiting to be washed and gifted.  It was cut out, who knows when, but sewing started just before Christmas, so once I pulled it out, it went quickly.   It is a perfect size for a new baby or a table topper.

The Heart:

This is the heart I purchased the pattern and supplies for several years ago to make for my mil.  She has been gone awhile, but since I had the ingredients, I wanted to make it.   I started it Jan 2, this year and it is now finished and I can check it off my list.   My friend, Mary, helped me with the roses and leaves.   I am pleased with the results.

Homeless folk:

Now about the homeless men and the quilts.   I got several responses to my questions yesterday and some great advise.   As you know quilts are not inexpensive in either materials or time.   Sally send me the following information:

“there is a project called Ugly Quilts.  They make homeless quilts but I don’t advocate their method unless you really want to use any and all recyclable fabric objects.  They are adamant the quilts should be ugly so they don’t get stolen (and possibly sold for cash at a pawn shop).

Our group in WW, made nicer quilts but out of any sturdy fabric.  They liked that old polyester double knit and I took boxes and boxes of the stuff to them.  They used thicker batting than what you probably quilt with but the quilts were turned and tied.  They might have used the inexpensive sheets for backing.  We do for our Survivor Quilts and get them at Fred Meyer when they are on sale for 3.99 for the single size, perfect for the 60 by 80 inch quilts we make.  They are poly-cotton and tough but not so bad to tie through.  This is a survivor top:

She was then kind enough to send me the page for the sale that Walmart is having on sleeping bags for under $10 each.   So I purchased some of them to give the church.   When I talked to the church secretary, she told me they have some regulars and there were some that probably would sell them to get what they wanted.   So for $10.00, I think this will help them and save a lot of lovely fabric from being wasted.   We do want to help, but sometimes it’s difficult to see what that help looks like.




“Before they call, I will answer”; bag; yardage to date


I have been working on this Babylock “Love of sewing” Challenge,  Nancy Zieman bag most of the week.   Jen, who was to get the bag, was coming over at noon.   I needed grosgrain ribbon to complete the handles and had none.   I checked to see what time JoAnn’s opened this morning and found that would be 10 AM    It was snowing and I don’t drive in snow.   What do I do?   Then the thought came to me to check my mother’s leftover trims box.   In it was exactly the amount of the color I needed with not so much as an extra 1/2″ of ribbon.   Amazing God!    So the bag was finished with the miracle ribbon and done just before she arrived.  IMG_0072zIt’s fun when Jen, Bob and the boys come over to play games.    This is Rummy and involves colors and number sequences.


I’m linking up to Elm Street with “One Monthly Goal” which is the four  paper pieced hedgehog placemats.

And here is my yardage use to date

Used this Week:   Feb 5                  1.0  yards

Used this Month (Feb)                   1.0 yards

Used year to Date                          26.25 yards

Goal:                                                  300.00 yards

Yards to goal:                                  273.75 yards

Added this Week:                              3.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                         3.00 yards

New Yards to quilt goal:              276.75 yards
Net Used  2017                                   23.75  yards



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Peacock pillow cover; quilt frame repaired

PEACOCK pillow coverIMG_0081v

This is a peacock that I embroidered a few years ago.   I was not as happy with it as I wanted to be, so it has been languishing in a corner, waiting it’s turn.    Hatched in Africa designed it and now has us finishing up old projects, so I pulled this out of the corner and it is now a pillow cover.   I’m just waiting for JoAnn’s to have a sale on pillow forms so I can put it on the couch.

Quilt frame repair

IMG_0088I had taken apart one of the bars to insert a handle with the ratchet.   After getting it apart, I discovered they sent me the wrong package.   I received the correct one right before getting sick, so nothing happened.   The poor machine has been in disrepair for 3 weeks.   Today, I kept my promise to it and repaired it.   Now it has loaded on it “Storm at Sea” and we should get that quilted this week.  It is so amazing how when you put something on your calendar it has a much better chance of getting done.   Without that, I believe I could have procrastinated quite a bit longer.





Sunrise, an apron, and blocks



This was the gorgeous sunrise I enjoyed when I went out to let the animals outside.




This wonderful apron was in a squishy that came arrived in yesterday’s mail.  (We do get late mail).    Sally, my friend, made it and sent it as a surprise.   Everyone needs a ” Sally” friend.   After being down all week, it was a real ” pick me up”.   And the workmanship is quality beyond fault.   Thank you, Sally


Look at the pocket.   It looks like a flower pot.   And the words are so positive.    I just love it!   It is my “Special Occasion” apron.  Mother worked in the kitchen, then when it was time to sit with the guests, she would change into her special apron – which for her was often one of those frilly half aprons.

More quilt blocks






It would have been so helpful if the shop owners had come up with a one size block.   My various blocks were meant to be anywhere from an 8″ block to a 9″ block.   At this point, I’m not real sure how that will work.   For now, I’ll make the blocks and see how many of each I have.

I am feeling so much better that DH is getting a turn at feeling the bug.   It’s really difficult to not try to get right back in the swing of things, but remembering that people seem to get this twice in a month, is slowing me down a bit.






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A pretty valentine pillow


img_0156sMy first project this year is this pretty valentine pillow which is stretching my comfort zone.  I purchased the fabric and ribbons in Jan 2007 to make for my mil, and then it didn’t happen.   So ten years later, seems an appropriate time to get it done.

Today we worked on fencing (photos tomorrow if I remember)  and then DD and family came over for a visit.    We always love to see them.   The 13 year old is now taller than I am and his brother will be in 2 years.  DH was showing them how to play cribbage, so now they went home to really learn the game and will be back in 3.5 weeks to win a few rounds.






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40 year old MOLA

img_0081dThis Mola was gifted to me by an exchange student from Bogota, Columbia more than 40 years ago.   I think because I was unsure what to do –  pillow, hanging or question, I did nothing with it.  Also back then, the green was not a popular color and difficult to match.    How things have changed.   I had this fluffy trim in my studio which goes with it beautifully.  It is 5″ wide so was tricky to put on.  I doubled it and taped it down a bit so that I could sew it.   The Mola part finished at 12 x 17.  With fringe it is 17 x 22.  The little travel pillows JoAnn’s has are 12 x 16, so I inserted one of those.

img_0080The back has an envelope opening.

img_0075sWe also had to include a trip to the vet this morning.   Lacey has been limping for a week, so we thought we should have it checked out.   These two cuties were just leaving.    The vet didn’t find anything wrong, so updated her shots and we came home.

At this point, my song is “Oh, what fun it is to live on a farm today” which I swiped from Jingle Bells.     No photos as we were too busy sorting everything out.   Our swinging property gate is not moving by itself, so we have to get out, open, drive through, get out, close, etc.   DH thought since all the animals were in pastures we could just leave it open while gone.    I  wasn’t convinced that Beau wouldn’t try to get out since we had Lacey with us, so I closed it.   Driving up to the gate, Beau met us, which meant that had I not closed the gate, he could have been miles away.    Driving further, I notice the 8 younger sheep are not in the right place, in fact they are in with a breeding sheep group.   After a good half hour, everyone was back where they belonged, but I’m afraid with what I saw, that we might have a very young mother in 5 months.  One or more of these animals tested a fence that was shut with baling twine, that was well rotted and kindly let the others out.

To add more fun, a neighbor sent an email saying she saw a cougar in another neighbor’s pasture yesterday.   Life can be fun when you are never sure what to expect.