Category Archive: Life



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Shopping at JoAnn’s


I went shopping at JoAnn’s today for some Insulbrite to reflect heat for these potholders in the making.  Shopping at JoAnn’s can be a huge mistake.   I have plenty of quilting fabric, so that didn’t grab my attention, but just look!!!!


Can you tell how plushy and inviting these fabrics on either side of the white are.   They insisted on coming home with me. They weren’t inexpensive, but they were 1/2 off.   Does that count?   I would have loved a blanket out of such soft squishiness, but didn’t go that far.   Instead, I bought enough of each for a mobius scarf, but oh, I would have loved to have purchased more and just wrapped up in it.  (They really are gray as that was the only color they had, though black and even a brown would have tried to come home, had it been there.

After that expensive stop that should have cost less that $10, we went to Costco and yes, that costs more than $10 as well.   But mostly because we bought 200 forever stamps before the next 5 cent increase.  We haven’t purchased stamps in maybe 3 years and I was surprised to find they are now 50 cents.   So these stamps should get us through until they will prohibitive.



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New Oven

At long last the new oven is here.   We waited for the September sales, then the store sent out someone to measure, who apparently couldn’t measure.  We waited for the oven for which he measured.   But when it arrived, it was too small.   So they measured again, then reordered.  This one fits and what’s more was $500 less expensive than the one they brought out that didn’t fit.

I’ve been doing quite a bit of spinning while DH reads the book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”   I have spun quite a few hours on this yarn at this point.  Next week, I should be plying it.



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October refinish

October refinish is now truly done.   I thought these two were finished last year, but when I got them out to hang this year, I found some little finishes that still needed doing.   Now the two are totally done.  Now it’s time to find another project that needs to be finished.

DH is now reading “Uncle Tom’s cabin” to us and as you can see, Bracken is right here listening to the book.   She so enjoys being right in the middle of whatever.   If you haven’t read this book lately, it is worth re-reading.

I just love these sheep, they are such characters.   The one on the left is our smallest, but she just climbs in and on the others to be sure she is one of the early ones in the food line.   We have been spending a lot of time and energy getting ready for winter and the rains, which may be starting tomorrow evening.



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Coat changing day and a finish

Coat changing day

We watch the coats to see who is growing out of this size to keep their fleece clean and from felting.  Several of the girls received a bigger size today and tomorrow some will get ear tags.  Morgan, the dark sheep here has been very distrustful, but she is coming around.   Today she enjoyed having her chin rubbed

And a finish

I finished the lower cardinal today.  Then I put the whole project away for a rainy day.   I am not enjoying it as much as I would like.  It’s time to do some piecing instead.  There is a pattern for a reverse rabbit and male cardinal as well as a moose in the kit yet.



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Machine failures

Machine failures maybe shouldn’t feel like your world is spinning.   But it does get expensive.   We are still waiting for the new oven.   And today, I went to quilt this top – that I finished sewing in June.

16 block hunter star

The quilting machine computer has gone out and the only solution is an upgrade with a new computer.   So this quilt will wait a bit longer.   I hope to get it done by year’s end.

So instead, I worked on this paper pieced cardinal.  My goal this year is to finish a few of the started items that are lying around.   Another hour and I should have this one finished.

What are you working on, I’d love to hear?





Stem cell report

Today was the day for the third and last stem cell visit.  So here is our Parkinson stem cell report:   DH is much more active and is interested in helping to care for the animals, doing some household chores and occasionally going with me to do grocery shopping.   He still tires easily, but is not sleeping most of the day as he was.   He has been totally responsible for keeping the hoop house watered, the dishes done and feeding the dog at the lower barn all summer.

Although he says he does not notice a difference in his shuffle, or how he feels or his balance, he is no longer falling.  Even the neighbors are noticing that he looks more alive.  So for us, it has been worthwhile.  He is bothered by his lack of muscle strength, which I will guess is due to the length of time, he didn’t have the energy to do much of anything.  I think he will be getting stronger now that he is doing more.   It is an interesting journey through this life and we continue to ask for your prayers.



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Land of living

After 2 weeks of some type of bug, I feel that I’m back in the land of the living.  I was not completely without something in my hands though.   Here are two  fibers which I plied


And I was given a sour dough starter which did very well the first try.

The weather forecast is for a week without rain, so there is much to do around here in that week to get ready for the rainy season.  And I am loving the new tractor which is making some chores possible to get done.



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Softest scarf

Between bouts of Montezuma’s revenge this week, I was able to finish the softest scarf ever.   The white in it is angora rabbit and the black is a very soft wool which I spun a few years ago.  It finished at 8.5 x 48″.  On a #12 needle,  I cast on 30 stitches and knit every row.  I will not bother to block it as its intended use is to keep me warm during the cold months when I go to the barns to care for animals.




Tractor has arrived; new scarf


The tractor has arrived!


Yes, I can get up there.   Grandma Moses started her painting at 76.   I bought my sheep as a business at 76.   I think I have a good model to follow.   So now when the sun shines again, I’ll take a driving lesson on the new machine.   There is so much it can do, that I would never have been able to do without it.   I’m a happy camper today.

 My sprained ankle is not healing very fast, probably because I don’t stay off it, plus there is this knee the doctor would like to replace that has been troublesome, so other than feeding animals, I spent time knitting, which keeps my leg out of trouble.   This is yarn that I spun maybe 30 years ago.  Black wool and white bunny, then plied together.   It is extremely soft and cuddly.   There is enough left to make a scarf for barn duty when lambs arrive and it is freezing out there.   I have about 24″ knit, using a large needle and garter stitch, which goes fast.







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Chicken coop

We have a new chicken coop for the dozen babies we bought a short time ago.   They have grown so fast and needed a bigger, safe home.   So my neighbor put chicken wire and a door on this 3 sided structure which he finished tonight and we have moved the chickens  into it.

I also spent a several hours convincing certain sheep that they wanted to leave their comfortable ewe companions and spend to two months with a lovely ram.  Sheep get used to each other and don’t like any upsets.   If one moves, they feel they have to go as a group, which was not my plan.  However, bribery with treats and lots of time, convinces them they should chose what really want them to do.   So we now have 2 breeding groups set up to have March lambs.

In addition to all this fun, we had the fence man come to see why the hot wire is malfunctioning.    He fixed several places, but I see tonight, one of the dogs is back out, so that still needs work.

You’ve probably noticed the gaps in messages.   I have been fighting for a bit now with passwords and being locked out of my websites.   Today, my 3 sons were here and think they have solved the problems.  I have strict instructions to email myself with every password I choose to use so I don’t get so confused and locked out of my own sites.   It took these 3 master programmers about 2 hours to get everything solved and me back to my sites.   So I will try very hard now to remember to send myself emails when I make changes.