


Easy impossible socks

With this lovely spring weather, I started the day weeding, then putting bulbs in this front area.  After that and some hoop house planting, it was lunch and a few errands.  And so goes the day so quicklySo tonight I was able to sit down with “impossible girl” socks.   They are so very easy, it is the girl who is impossible, not the socks.   I love how fast they are working up.   The yarn was on one ball and when I rolled half of it off, one side is a  bit redder and the other has more blue tones, but not terrible different – sister socks.

2 Responses

  1. I’m glad that you got so much accomplished outside! Spring has finally come to our part of the country – our first daffodils are blooming!
    Thanks for the reference to that sock pattern – my daughter is a Dr. Who fan, and I’ve already got the yarn to knit her socks, but hadn’t chosen the pattern yet. These will be perfect for her!

  2. Judy Shaw says:

    That looks like a fun pattern!