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Time blocks

 It seems my life is currently measured in 4 hour time blocks.

  • 6 AM: feed babies, check everyone, and let them outside for the day.

  • Home to a selected project for an hour and a half before prepping breakfast

  • 10 AM: feed babies, sheep check, and give mothers food and fresh water

  • Home to normal daily activities such as laundry, minimal housework, etc

  • 2 PM:  feed babies, again the check on everyone

  • Usually by this time, I need to take a rest or at least find an activity that sits me down

  • 6 PM:  feed babies, feed adults plus water and close the doors for the night.

  • Family time, worship, and maybe knitting time

  • 10 PM: feed babies, last check on everyone plus any needed water

  • Home to drop until 5:30 AM time to prepare bottles again.

Bottles babies are a lot of extra trouble, and it only lasts 2 months, but on the other hand, one does have to delegate the time blocks so they don’t get away.  After the first feeding, I try to use that hour plus to sew, quilt, plant, or check on my seed growing for the hoop house.

Since we are still doing renovations to the barn, that takes supervision and choices as well during the day.  Today, Mary came over for some quilt help and we were both tired enough, we rested while visiting after feeding babies.

Tonight after the 6PM feeding, I was able to get some knitting done, but at this time of day, I am slow.  I am knitting this lovely pattern found on Ravelry, using the yarn at the top of this page.   It has a 20 row repeat, but only on 12 stitches on each sock.   The rest is all knitted and therefore goes quickly.

Here is today’s “cuteness” photo

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