Daily Archives: November 2, 2017




November 2017 goals

In order to get much of anything done, I need a list of written goals.   Then if I don’t achieve them all, that’s okay, because I still have achieved more than I would have without the list.

November 2017 goals are:

  1. Continue with gym

  2. Make apple butter

  3. Add more quilting to the “Twinkling snowman” quilt to make it hang right and put a hanger in it.

  4. Find an execute a HIA (Hatched in Africa) project

  5. Take label off Hummingbird quilt and repair binding

  6. Finish Sunbonnet Sue #3 quilt for Elm Street’s OMG project

  7. Make bowl cozies for gifts

  8. Make 4 American girl dresses

  9. Make sweet pea pods for gifts

  10. Make some Bendy bags

  11. Sell Imagine serger

  12. Sell Ovation serger

  13. Get hay delivered in barn

  14. Sell 6 Shetland rams

  15. Ready 3-4 lambing jugs

  16. Put salt tubs up

  17. Build winter sheep feeders

  18. Find 3 recipes for Thanksgiving dinner

  19. Clean and rent the house next door

  20. There may be from 10-20 items that get squeezed in here