Daily Archives: September 10, 2015




Does this sound like your life.

Get up groggily, get breakfast on the table and then eat mine.   Still tired, but not enough to go back to bed, so sit down and spin wool for a bit.  After I catch my breath,IMG_3173

grate the two huge zucchini with plans to make bread, brownies, and patties for the freezer.


It grated into 3+ gallons of zucchini.   I refrigerated that for later use.   Next I get out the jars and other canning supplies to can the potatoes.

IMG_3176About then DH would like to eat at his favorite local Mexican restaurant.   I had a large tostada with beans, lettuce, tomato, and guacamole.  We get back just in time for a conference call I agreed to attend.   Oops, lasted nearly 2 hours instead of one, and then another 1/2 hour phone call.   Wow it’s 3.30 and I haven’t accomplished much yet.


14 quarts of potatoes..   The plan is to do another 14 quarts tomorrow plus the zucchini products.


While I was waiting for the pressure canner to heat up, I went out to check the grapes which are small this year, but that’s probably because we didn’t know how to prune them   I am thrilled and delighted with the sweetness.   They are so wonderful.   I filled the bowl I took with me and will finish picking them tomorrow.

So I get to the end of my day and there were more things I wanted to get done than got done.  In fact, I feel as if I am swimming backwards.    If I could get going a bit sooner in the morning and not have phone conferences……………but then tomorrow  there is gym, then a drive out to get a loom someone wants to find a home for which I’m sure will consume 3 hours, then to finish picking the grapes and canning the potatoes.    There is no time in this schedule for housecleaning and gardening and so the garden suffers a lot and we won’t talk about the house.     Oh, and there are still carrots and beets,  to get done in the near future and applesauce after that.