Fabric or fiber is counted when product is finished
Quilting/Sewing stash:
Used week ending Nov 28: 11 yards
Added this Week:0
Net used this week: 11 yards
Used year to Date: 247.22 yards
Added Year to Date: 6 yards
Goal: 200 yards – made goal in October
Net for 2015: 241.22 yards used.
Here is my yardage report for this week. You can see how others are doing on Judy’s blog.
1/5 8 watermelon placemats used 6.5 yd
1/15 Aurofil red/green quilt used 6 yards (4H)
1/18 Squares/fishing back quilt 6 yards.
1/21 Small child strips quilt 3 yards
1/23 Small child stripes quilt 3 yards
1/25 3rd stripes quilt 4.25 yards 40×58
1/27 4th stripes quilt 4.25 yards 40×52
1/30 5th stripes quilt 4 yards
37 yards total for January
2/17 1/4 yard purchased Seahawks fabric
2/13 Mother’s flowers 56 x 74 7 yards
.25 yard total purchased Feb
2/15 Dragon and butterflies for Cindy 48 “ sq 4 yards
11 yards total for February
3/8 Triple Play quilts 63.5 x72.5, 41.50 x 50.5,21.5 x 44.5 = 20 yards
3/10 Frog baby quilt 2.5 yards 30 x 30
3/11 A cute small dress 1/2 yards
3/19 “On Grandpa’s Pond” 5 yards 40 x 45
3/27 Another stripe 3 yards 41 x 52
31 yards total for March
4/13 Irish greens squares 2.75 yards 41 x 41
4/14 green 2.5″ stripes 3.5 yards 42 x 49″`
4/20 Red with multicolored blocks 5 yards 48 x 48″ (4H)
4/24 yellow stripe 3.5 yards 42 x 46 (4H)
14.75 total for April
5/1 3 yards total Purchased Seahawk fabric
6/1 0.0 total for May & June
7/4 Darrin’s quilt “SCORE” 6.5 yards
7/7 Picnic time table runner 6.5 yards
7/8 Picnic time quilt 16 yards
7/8 Bag for Picnic quilt 1 yard
7/9 137 purple fleece hats for hospital 8 yards
7/24 Galactic explosion for 11.5 yards
7/25 Bag for Galactic explosion .75 yard
7/2 4 Train panel quilt 2 yards
7/23 Train panel .75 yard
52.25 yards total for July
8/2 oven mitts 3 yards
8/2 Prairie flower 4 yards
8/3 Little Joys Quilt along 4.5 yard (4H)
8/31 1 doll dress .5 yards
8/5 2 sun dresses 1 yd
8/14 orange doll dress 1/2 yards
8/27 dotted blue doll dress 1/2 yards
8/28 fox child quilt 33 x 40 3 yards (4H)
17 yards total for August
9/ 4 Stars of honor 57 x 72 11.5 yards (4H)
9/5 Summer Shine 30 x 30 5.3/4 yards (paper pieced a fair amount of waste) (4H)
9/10 Snowman “warm wishes” 59 x70 10 yards (4H)
27.25 yards total for September
186 yards Annual total 4. purchased 190 used
10/18 Warm wishes 60 x 70 10.5 yards
10/19 Hope’s quilt 37 x 37 3.5 yards
10/27 Dark green Scrappy squares 60 x 75 11 yards
10/27 2013 super bowl 56 x 72 9 1/3 yards
10/28 3 women’s Seahawk hats 1/3 yards
10/28 10 baby hats 1/2 yard plus fat quarter
35.3 yards total for October
11/6 Giraffe #1: 5 yards
11/17 Giraffe #2 5 yards
11/19 Chrstian dino pillow .67 yards
11/20 Spencer pillow cases 2 yards
11/17 Keri’s tote 1.5 yards
11/22 keri – Runaround bag 1/4 yard
11/22 Broken arrows 9.25 yards
Total used for November: 23.67 yards
Yardage in for Nov. 2 yards
Net used in Nov: 21.67 yards
I don’t understand how you used 6.5 yds this week, but have a zero for YTD used. Hope you just missed updating that column.
I’m glad you are keeping me on my feet. I think I fixed it. thanks again.
Great great numbers for the second week of stash busting. You should have no trouble meeting your goal at this rate.
Thank you – I don’t even want to think of how many yards I have. I probably should have aimed for 500, but no use setting myself up for failure.
Great job! ~Melanie
You are really rolling this year. I know a lot of people don’t record the fabric used until the quilt or project is finished and I’ve wondered how you remember how much was used. I have to record it the minute it comes out of my stash and is cut. Even then, I’ve forgotten to write it down a time or two and my numbers get off.
Thank you. On these, it is difficult with all the seam allowances in the front. So what I have done, is measured how much I used on the back and doubled it, then added the binding. I know that’s low, but I might be a bit high on some others. When I use a pattern, I use the numbers they give. So if they say 1 yard of bright pink and I use most of that, that’s the number I use, but if I only used 2/3 of it, I would subtract that from my numbers. It’s really only approximate, but I’m thinking that when all is said and done for the year, it probably is pretty close. I don’t count any of the batting.
Great numbers for the first 4 weeks f this new year – keep this up and you just might make it to 500 yards used! Congrats….
Thank you. However I don’t believe even 500 yards will show if removed from the palette here.
You are doing excellent on your stash busting!
I think you are coming along just fine on your stashbusting. Wish I could say the same. Maybe my numbers will get better as the year goes along. I too would have to have a lot of usage to see any change in my fabric inventory — but it will be fun to try.
I see you are working on a lot of different fronts as well. As we get warmer weather, I will have less time for stash reduction, so I need to get some more tops quilted and quilts made up to make up for those times. I love the socks and the Mobius. And honestly, I’m not looking for a fabric donation from any friends, right now. I figured that if I can keep sewing at this rate for another 20 years, I’ll be through most of the fabric
You’ve done a great job with stash management this year. Congrats.
Thank you. I have worked hard not to be tempted in the store. At the beginning of the year, I guesstimated how much yardage was here and calculated that if I did a certain amount each year, maybe, just maybe, I’d get to sew it and not have a lot for the family to have to disperse. So I have pushed myself this year. I’m beginning to think it is not work working that hard at it. I’d like to get another 60 yards done this year, but that probably won’t happen.
Great usage for the first week in August. You are moving that fabric out pretty fast, it seems. Keep up the pace and you’ll reach your goals.
Thank you. Yes, I am pushing it because I have to have ankle replacement the end of Sept and the doctor says I’ll be off my foot for 3 months, so I’m desperately trying to reach my goal in the next month. Also, some of these quilts were already at the flimsy stage.
Great numbers for August!
Thank you. The numbers are better this year than they will be other years, because I am actually finishing a few that I made last year in addition to the ones I made this year. I’m trying to catch up on getting the flimsys done
I wish I was at nearly 200 yards used. I am trying to finish up some flimsys too.
I’m so far behind this other woman who has used 280 yards this year. About half of mine were flimsies and I only have about 6 left. I don’t know if they will get finished this year or not. A couple are waiting for my skills to get better. Now I’m waiting to get the machine fixed. Seems like a good time to make more flimsies, doesn’t it. How many flimsies are you looking to do?
Very good usage this year. Congrats on that. I’m striving for a big finish too, but may fall short.
Congrats on reaching your goal. Very impressive stash busting!
Thank you. It does take “keeping at it” But I’d have to do 300 yds per year for at least 20 years to use it all. I don’t think that’s going to happen.
What a fun way to display your year. You’ve been working on all kinds of things. Doll clothes, hard. Congratulations on reaching your goal early. Sandi
Thank you so much for your encouragement. It truly is nice to see the items that were made this year.
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