Category Archive: Shopping



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Sock yarn leftovers

It was one of those crazy days where I don’t feel a lot was accomplished and yet it was.   There is just a lot more to do.  So let’s start with explaining about the socks.


In the photo at the left, you can see I loop the new yarn around the needle and knit it into the next stitch.


Then the next 5 or 6 stitches, I knit with both pieces of the new yarn.   When finished, I weave in the yarn that I dropped when changing yarns.   This is just my made up way to do it.   I don’t know how the professionals do it.

IMG_4553See where each loop is – there are three.  Those are places where I changed yarns.  I hope that makes it a bit clearer.


We spent the morning putting up curtains and taking many of the excess items out of the new guest room.   These are the fleeces that have been repackaged and are ready for me to make some decisions on what I will do with them.  At least they are sorted and in one pile instead of overflowing the closet and the corners.


And the drapes are now up and the shade is working.    Tomorrow, I will get the rugs and trash can.   I ran out of energy today.

IMG_4551I decided to hang this on the screen to cut the view of my very messy table that at times is used for potting plants and other times to trim quilts.


And this is the end of the hall.  Now, it looks a bit more like a home instead of just a basement.

IMG_4547I did get the binding cut for the circus quilt.   Now to find time to quilt it.

I wonder how people get their houses to stay clean.   We use the entire house and there are always areas that could use “spring cleaning”.   Tomorrow my list includes yoga, getting the rugs for the guest room and it’s bathroom, sheets for our bed, picking up my sewing machine from the “hospital”,  picking and cleaning maybe 6 gallons of greens, fertilizing the hoop house (DH will do the big garden) and watering, mopping the floors downstairs, cleaning the wall the dogs wiped their coats on last winter, and then do a tidy up job on the shelves in the bathroom and cleaning it.    I will ask DH to pick up the chairs that are at the chair “hospital”   And you know what, it won’t all get done, but it is on my list.   Maybe that’s why it seems I’m always playing “catch-up”.    Oh, and if/when all that is done, there is a circus quilt waiting to be quilted.






A pink day



This little 36″ square quilt is now quilted and bound.  It will hang it in our room for a bit before a baby gets it as DH likes it.  And it’s nice to be appreciated.  Several of my readers also liked it.  It’s a strange thing – one never knows what someone will like – this is not one of my favorites.


This morning I decided to dye two shirts that I really like, but are a bit tired.   However I forgot to check the fiber content and because they had 40% poly, they didn’t take the dye.  So I popped some fleece into the kettle in three increments so that I will get a heathered affect.  It is dry now and sometime in the future, will get combed and spun.   It is off my first female Cormo sheep so will be soft.


Then there was a matter of someone needing a large patch and this is what I found for her.


Sometimes one just needs a dessert and we still have 6 packages of frozen strawberries in the freezer, so shortcake was made.

And because my brother is coming in Tuesday evening and I don’t want to look totally unprepared, we ran off to Lowe’s and purchased a shade and a curtain rod, both will be put up on Sunday.   I still would like to get a rug and may do that on Sunday as well.




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Interesting creatures

Husbands are such interesting beings.   Often times one gets surprised.   For instance, we are trying to supplement this lamb.   DH comes and asks what he can do to help.   I said he could refill the 2 gallon bucket.   So he picked it up, promptly tripped over the 2×4 opening and the 2″ of water remaining in the bucket landed where I was sitting.   No one was injured, but we were both very surprised.   Ah, marriage is filled with such interesting moments, and the only thing one can do is laugh and know that life is a roller coaster of interesting happenings.


The lamb is a fighter, but still quite dehydrated.   By this time, his ribs should not show.  His little tongue wants to go out the side of his mouth instead of forward under the teat or nipple.  He will get a tube feeding again tonight, which he very much hates, but it could make the difference for him.  May I repeat that teenagers of any species should not be trusted.   These teen moms were a bit young for this, but she is protecting him and doing her best.   Her body just wasn’t quite ready.


This morning, daughter #3 and I went shopping.   We both needed – no wanted – items from Costco and elsewhere.    The guest room is shaping up.   Still needed are pictures and books and perhaps a lamp.   I think I’ll get a couple of my brother’s photographs for the wall.   They are incredible.

My prayer is for each of you to have a marvelous week end.




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IMG_4289Do you remember these sweet potatoes that I put in water.   Today I was able to take the starts off them and put them in the water.   There are probably 12-15 starts in this jar



 Today, I mopped all the floors upstairs, then we went to our chiropractic appointment and to Whole Foods, where we wandered, looking for new products that didn’t have oil.   Now that is challenging.   We found some Engine 2 crackers and pizza crusts, but not much else.   However, since we were there and I am behind in starting seeds, we picked up some cauliflower, broccoli and other starts – about 1 in all.   Most started cups had about 4 starts in them if I am careful when I transplant.

Every so often, messes get to the point that I can no longer think.  Today, I was at that point.


No more walking room, so they went on the cutting table and I mopped the studio floor as well.


I can now walk through the room,


However, I needed to take care of all these scraps in the boxes.


Just as these weren’t all created in a day, they will not all get taken care of in a day.   I will leave the larger pieces by color, cut some of the smaller pieces into various squares and leave the strips for a strips quilt someday




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A little gardening, a little canning, a little shopping



I froze grapes in gallon bags last fall because I just didn’t have time or energy to make grapes then.  Also, I find the raisins easier to dehydrate once the grapes have been frozen and thawed.   So this morning I canned 6 pints of grape juice from the thawed raisins.


After coming home from gym, I sold my first spinning wheel to a man who has taken one lesson on the same type of wheel.   It’s a good wheel and he should enjoy it.

 After lunch, I went out and worked on one side in the greenhouse.   It’s amazing, even baby carrot seeds dropped last fall have started growing.   There were these carrots left in over winter.   They are a  bit short as I need to dig down farther to give them more good growing soil and less hardpan.  Not only were carrots starting to grow, but the weeds had a great start.   Tomorrow, I will put down the preplant nutrients and water well.   This weekend, I’ll start sow some cool weather crops and hopefully get some tomatoes and pepper seeds started in the house.   (Need more hours)


We retrieved the sewing machine that had to be serviced and made a stop at Costco, which is rarely cheap.  We had $55.00 in  rebates off this, so that helped ay for the extra dog treats.   We should be good for another year of treats now.

 I certainly don’t want to forget that Beau wants to be a house dog, and therefore has been climbing the fence.   That would be okay if we could trust him not to leave when the gate opens.   We can’t so he has to stay behind the fence.  He weighs about 120#, but fortunately walks well on a lead.  So, in the dark and driving rain, we ushered him into the quarters he shares with the sheep at night.  Now I wish you all  a good, restful night, knowing that tomorrow will have new challenges.



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Busy, but not accomplished

Some days are just too long for the energy I have and too short for what I want to achieve.  This was one of those.   After walking half an hour this morning (I’m doing 10,000 steps a day now), I  rested my legs by spinning on my electric spinner.    Then it was time to go to the medical appointment to try to avoid knee surgery.


Lunch already!   Ok, we decided since we were close to a Whole Foods, we’d pick up some bread we especially like and put some in the freezer.   Since they only had 2 loaves left, we didn’t fill the freezer.   However, we decided to eat there, which won’t happen again soon.


Home again and another half hour of walking which gave me about 3000 steps.   Then it was time for a webinar on replacing zippers –  continuing education which I enjoy.  After that it was time to feed and put the animals to bed.   A few more steps to complete my day and oh, yes, another batch of grapes on the dehydrator that weren’t drained enough made the smoke detector tattle on me again.    This time I was right there and saw what happened.   So this was a day, plenty happened, but nothing gained in the studio or in the garden.  And tomorrow I start over again with the steps and the gym which I am grateful I can do.



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What a fun day!



Mary and I had such fun today!.   First we went looking for a rug for the family room and an immersion blender.    I needed something because my VitaMix was taking too long to come back from the company.  (Of course it arrive this evening).


Since we didn’t find a rug at that store, we moved on to Costco and found this indoor/outdoor rug which should take some abuse if needed.  It really warms the room a lot.  DH and son really like it.


Then we came back here to the studio and just played with these darling owls, giving them some personality.  They are stuck to the fabric and now, I need to get them permanently stitched down.   I will also scatter leaves over the brown so it looks like they are in a tree.  It was so nice to just enjoy putting them together.






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A better day

IMG_3710This is yummy yarn to spin.   It has some angora (rabbit) that makes it so very soft.

After some spinning we went to the sewing store and purchased a couple gift cards this morning since they were offering a $50 card for $40.    Then off to lunch at the Rio Blanco for a nice Mexican lunch.


This dishcloth pattern is called “Weekend blues” by Janet Nogle.   I am at the half way mark using a Bernat cotton.   Maybe it will get finished tomorrow,  but then  we have gym in the morning and company in the afternoon.   I think for the next week or so, I’ll stay with some easier projects.




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I spent the morning making soups.   We now have enough soup in the refrigerator to have soup once every day throughout December.   There are also patties and vegetables hiding in there.   DH does know how to cook potatoes, so I think we’re good for food.


Then a wee trip to Office Depot produced a large calendar and a daily book, plus some pencils and a few Christmas cards


And this had to come out of storage.  So now I’m ready.




Super Bowl game mystery quilt


How many times do we go out expecting to be back in an hour and it turns into 3 or 4 days?   Exactly!  And that’s what happened to us today.   We went to look at some granite for the vanity top, which we didn’t find, then made a few more stops and before we knew it, the day was nearly gone.   We bought a few more cases of water, so now if we get snowed in without power, we’ll be okay.   However, I still need to get some 5 gallon containers of water for the animals.


  I did get some cutting and sewing done.  I decided to do the 2013 Homespun Hearth Super Bowl mystery quilt again since I liked it so much.   It is all cut out now and with these 24 blocks sewn, I am at the half time mark for the flimsy.  With tomorrow’s schedule, it may have to wait until Thursday.