Daily Archives: November 12, 2018



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It has turned cold and that means in a barn, there are more rodents seeking a warm place, where food is available.  So we have several bait traps out with this product.  The animals cannot get inside the traps.  However, someone helping us emptied a trap into a garbage bag and put a different bait into the trap.

I looked in the office and saw Beau, with the garbage bag ripped apart and he was very interested in the contents.  That frightened me!   There is no antidote for the rodenticide used in Tomcat Bait Chunx.  It is toxic in small amounts.   A toxic amount in a dog will manifest either as paralysis or convulsions.  It is deadly.

So off to the vet we rushed.   They made him vomit and then gave him activated charcoal.   And we pray while waiting for 4 days.   We don’t really know for sure if he ingested it or how much.  We do know that 2.5 cubes of this stuff are missing.  It is toxic by weight and his being a big boy at 99# is helpful here.

This is a photo I snapped of him looking and playing normally this afternoon.  We’re supposed to keep our eye on him, but if he shows symptoms, there’s nothing that can be done.   Not a good thing.   So we cleaned the barn today with him helping us.  Kept us and him busy and now the sheep have a nice clean barn to mess up.

If you use any poisons, please check and recheck that other pets or children have no way to get to them.