Monthly Archives: March 2019



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The weather has  been marvelous, so we have been working on infrastructure.  And that included canning various kinds of beans and split pea soup for quick meals.  I think we did about 80 pints.

These little ones had their limbs mixed together and had to be pulled on Friday.

I wasn’t at all sure they were going to make it, so made many trips to the barn helping them figure out how to use their constant milk supply.  Here they are this morning, bright and perky.

Here is the walk up to the barn.  You can see the garden boxes we are putting in off to the right.  The road has more gravel and been regraded.  The compost piles have been turned.

The sheep are off to the left just waiting for the pastures to get tall enough for them to enjoy.

Laugh of the week!.  Bracken does not understand why this sheep is not moving when she asks her to.   I finally just put the sheep in a closet.

My forecast says two more days before the rains set in.   Let’s see how much we can get done.  Hopefully at least the garden boxes as I am late with planting some of the produce.



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More babies are arriving


I miscounted, thinking all the sheep were in for the night.  When I went out in the morning this one was freshly born.

 More babies are arriving on a fairly regular schedule these days, which means more cleaning, and other duties.  So far 7 ewe lambs and 3 ram lambs.   We will be seeing new ones over the next month.   These are all Cormos.   When they are done, the Shetlands will start.   One never tires of seeing new life happen.

Did I mention more cleaning?







And here is what happens if you just can’t wait your turn for the nest and don’t want to go find another.  The hen below was just a bit smarter and used a lamb jug.  It didn’t bother her one bit that there were lambs there as she only needed a small corner.

Sometimes the work is hard and one is usually very tired at the end of the day, but I love that this is a very rewarding way to get my exercise.



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We ordered this 30 x 40′ roof in August.  It has had several promise dates.   But now it’s here and erected and the animals will have more dry  space and less mud.  I am so happy to have it, but it is the worst company I have ever worked with.   So this was Friday’s excitement.

Working backwards, my friend, Mary and I went to the Sew Expo Thursday for 3 hours.  We wore our feet out shopping fast and spent very little    However, I did find a company to process my wool that I can drive to instead of paying those horrible shipping costs.  Plus she specializes in fine wools, which I have.   We will try to get to her shop this week and see what she can do.   Her yarns at the Sew Expo were incredible!

Wednesday, Beau went back to the specialist to have the eye with glaucoma removed.  He is doing very well, except with the E collar, he runs into things that won’t bother him when it gets removed in another week.   His first two days, he was hurting a bit and really wanted to be babied, but he’s over that now, and wants to be outside telling off the coyotes that come to near his property.   We will hear when we take him back what they found in the eye.  The vet said he doesn’t see this breed with glaucoma.

Tuesday, I mentioned the new babies who are now growing so fast.  We may get another one or two tonight.   The ewe was acting a bit off and shows signs of wanting to birth soon.

And did I mention the snow is gone and the sun is out – though cold – and I am appreciating it.  Spring is coming and we are so ready!