These two embroidered potholders were done totally on the machine. I first hooped wash away stabilizer, then I stitched that out. I then spray basted the thin batting to the top piece, and placed it in the stitching line. I finished the top side, then for the bottom I spray basted the insulbrite to the bottom piece and basted them both to the under side of the potholder. I think by adding the extra layer of batting, they will be thick enough.
We had the birthday party yesterday at Panera’s and the office girls were each given two potholders. They were delighted to be remembered. Our daughter was given sheets and other bedding since she just had a new queen size bed delivered. It’s a lovely time once a year and we do it before the holidays, which worked out really well this year, since her birthday is on Thanksgiving day.
What lovely gifts – love the fall theme!