My fall seeds are in the ground now for cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. I planted a few green beans bush style on the left side. I think this year we will forget the pumpkins and squashes as we just didn’t get them done. I’m very happy with this now. The peas on the sides are nearly done, and I will replant for the fall. In the outside area (no photo), the potatoes and onions are coming up nicely.This little lady greeted me when I entered the hoop house this morning.
I picked this up when we were at Costco in their fresh food area. It is cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, chicory plus a dressing package and some cranberries and seeds in a package. The creators meant it to be a salad. But today, I put aside the dressing, lightly steamed the greens and served them over rice. It was a super delicious and fast meal. We put the cranberries and seeds on top.
What a beautiful butterfly!
Our garden is finally planted (for the most part). My MIL suffered a massive stroke Apr. 25th and died 10 days later, so that put a huge crimp in our plans, as she was hospitalized in the city. Some seeds got planted, but we ended up bying plants for some of the other things. We’ll see what we end up with!
I love that kale salad! It’s one of the ones in our salad “rotation” – but I’d never thought of using it in any other way – thanks for the idea!