Monthly Archives: January 2018




Winter or spring?


Is it winter or spring, or perhaps half way in between?   The Christmas cactus, that actually bloomed at Christmas,  is once again blooming.   Today though the winds were cold, the hoop house was warm.

The garlic in the left photo is coming up nicely.   I planted it inside last fall because we weren’t sure if we’d get to an outside garden this spring.  In the right photo, the kale at the back is still doing great.   I weeded this much today – which is about 1/3 of it.   Just trying to get the weeds out before they really get a start which in here is very early.  And I want to get the greens started as well.

I’m trying to squeeze a few minutes of sewing into each day, with some days being more successful than others.  I’m ready to start putting this quilt top together now.  It is “Spool Souffle” from the Fat Quarter Shop




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Lambing supplies

Normally, sheep take minimal care-just feed, water, and cleaning.  I’m hoping that the birthing process this year doesn’t take any more care than it has in the past.   However, since there should be between 15-20 birthing, it was essential to purchase some emergency lambing supplies for insurance.   There are some supplies that are needed for each birth, like the iodine, syringes with needles, etc, but other things are just for emergency.   I think I have everything put together except to grab some old towels and purchase some more buckets.  $250.00.   Fortunately one lamb will pay the bill.

And to add to the fun we have around here, Beau tried to get through this gate as I was trying to keep him from getting through.  Now the rotten post is being held up by the latch.   Just another something to keep us from getting too comfortable.   I think this summer will include replacing many posts.

And the skies just keep dripping – no, today, they were running.   I am so ready to see the sun.   But the forecasters are telling me that is still at least 10 days away.




New year mystery quilt finished

The New Year mystery quilt is totally finished at 42 x 60″ for a lap quilt.  I’m linking up to Elm Street OMG

If January is any example, this year will be a much slower year than the last two years.  It’s not that I don’t work, but I’m trying to get some barn cleaning done daily, instead of waiting until it gets too deep and really hurts to get it done.  Plus it seems as if some of my drive has gone without me.   I need to catch up and get that back.





Heated gloves

My fingers get so cold when working outside that I purchased these heated gloves from Amazon.  There is a place in the cuff to put batteries which will heat the fingers.   I was so happy with them for about an hour as they actually were warm.   After an hour, the batteries died.   I really need gloves that will keep my fingers warm for longer than that so will do more research.  But while they worked, they were wonderful.   Today I cleaned stalls for more than 2 hours and it is important to have warm fingers.  Otherwise, they hurt too much when I come in.

No, I didn’t do any craft today, just relaxed after the barn chores and the lunch – oh, and had some company.

We went to Paneras for our 55th anniversary lunch.   Interestingly enough, the area where we sat had 7 tables, 5 with people at them.   There were mix ups in the meals of 3 of the tables.    Eventually everyone did get what they ordered.  Does that mean the caliber of people being hired has gone down?

What did we discuss at lunch?   Why of course, the ups and downs, the left and right turns and in the end we are glad we stayed the course.   The roller coaster ride has been interesting.

Shabbat Shalom



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Juliette won!

Today, DH felt a real need to go to Costco, because we hadn’t been there this year yet and this Parkinson stuff makes him worry even more than before.  So while he was putting on his shoes, I started out to the car.   You don’t have to guess who bolted past me and past him, going from one end of the house to the other, with a pause in each room as if looking for something.   Juliette won!   She toured the entire floor (without mishap) before I could get her turned around with animal crackers.   Then out the back door and up to  where the other sheep are, she followed.   She is now a sheep again, in the pasture with the other sheep.  Grain does wonders.

And we did our damage at Costco.   It is amazing how much one can spend without buying much food.   We did buy raisins and figs, and some dog treats.   The bulk of our buying was things like toilet paper, dishwasher soap, jeans, etc. and it added up fast.     I was glad I had made mashed potatoes, with falafel patties and green beans to fill up before we went to a grocery store.  It does save money.




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Pe(s)ts help with taxes

Juliette (a Ouessant sheep) thinks she is a dog, having been raised that way.  And apparently DH thinks that I need pe(s)ts help with the taxes with which he is not willing to help.   Twice today, I had to leave what I was doing to usher Juliette and Beau out of my lap.  When the dogs get in, they head for Mom – who spends more time with them and provides for their stomachs.   They know!  Juliette got in once, but was ushered back out before any mishaps.   I’m not willing to find out if she is potty trained, but have you ever seen a sheep that was?  She doesn’t want to be a sheep today, so she can spend the night with Beau and go back to being a sheep tomorrow.   It’s the little things that make farm life interesting.   The taxes are progressing nicely and one more day should finish them, and then I have promised DH a trip to Costco.



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Taxes and rain


Taxes and rain – the two just seem to be friends.   All this week the forecast is rain and all week until done, I must work on the taxes, so I may miss a few postings unless I speed up on this paperwork.




New Years day quilt fun


This was my New Year’s Day quilt and what fun.   I didn’t measure because I was so sure I knew how wide it was.   When I got to the last row, I realized I was 2″ short, so took it off the machine, added the fabric, and put it back on to finish the quilting.   I know, measure twice or thrice.

Here is a photo of the overall pattern I quilted on it using a pantograph.   I hope to get it bound before the month is over so I have at least one quilt finish this month.


Check this out – at Thanksgiving, we were the same height.   He turned 14 the week before Thanksgiving.   Looks to me like he is going for tall.




Advice needed

I’m looking for advice today, because I was uncomfortable with what happened.

DH will be 84 in another week and has autoimmune symptoms which means he has a compromised system.  We have been careful not to go out any more than necessary because the medical people are warning about the flu, particularly as one ages.  But what does one do when someone shows up at your house sick?   And then that obligatory goodbye hug?   Please tell me what you do to protect yourself.



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Unusual day

I started my day with a trip to the gym which was nearly the only ordinary thing about yesterday.

When I got home, my boomerang son met me with the fact that we “have a very limping big white sheep” which was the start of my unusual day.   I assumed she managed to get a foot caught in her coats  which happens occasionally.     Not so!   After some work, I managed to get her and another sheep into a partially empty stall.  It is at times like this, you find doors that don’t work and other “fun” farm chores needing attention.

Diagnosis:  prolapsing started.    Vet called.  Meanwhile I stayed at the barn since I had a stall that I needed to clean and had actually started the day before.  This stall floor hadn’t been cleaned in 6 weeks, so there was a lot of wet, matted, decomposing, heavy hay.   I worked on that until lunch, ran home, made lunch, mopped two floors, ran to the grocery for half a dozen items,  and came right back to the job.   Intermittently, I was keeping track on what was going on with this sheep.

The vet was here about 1/2 an hour and a friend came to help.  Now the two sheep will stay in this 10 x 12 stall until she lambs in 2-3 weeks (sheep always need a companion).  The extra hay has been removed so they have more room.  I will check on them 2-3 times a day.   It appears there will be 2 or possibly 3 lambs.   We don’t have long to wait.    This is why I always like to have another stall ready to go.   One just never knows.   I did finish cleaning out the other stall, and  have 5 more to go.   3 have deep winter bedding which means it is about 2 feet deep in places and will take a lot of time and effort unless I get lucky and find someone needing a few dollars.  Now that the weather is warmer, I need to clean the stalls every 2 weeks

Yesterday was definitely not an ordinary day, and I stayed and worked  there until 4.   I came home and fell asleep.   It has been years since I worked that long and hard.   As I continually point out to my DH, “the sheep will keep us healthy as they make us use our muscles and we have to get outside daily”

And if I didn’t have them, I probably would have done more shopping, or sewing, or even house cleaning.   There definitely would not be some unusual muscles complaining today.   And I would have had my blog done yesterday, instead of so late.

However, I love this way of life and am so thankful to be living here.   Enjoy the day.   Company will be here shortly.