Daily Archives: November 26, 2017



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Hoop house remnants

I haven’t shown you the end of the garden yet.   Well, that might be because the hoop house remnants aren’t finished yet.These are the only two pumpkins/squash that survived this year, though other produce did very well.

After all the stems were removed, there were 2 gallon sized bags of parsley to be dehydrated.

I brought in a few beets, greens, carrots, and onions.

Standing at the door, this is what is still growing.

Here the small stuff is corn salad, along with a few carrots and other greens on this side.

a few volunteer potato plants which I’m hoping will give spring potatoes,

Swiss chard which was picked Friday and onions, both of which will continue throughout the winter.

Winter broccoli or cauliflower, now I’m not sure which, but won’t be ready until early spring.

Kale that badly needs picking.

And my very own Tonka Truck – well, not really mine, but he has really been chewing away at the blackberries and cleaning the place up.