Daily Archives: November 12, 2017



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Uncharted territory

Is this as much uncharted territory for you as it is for us?   It was like we were in a foreign country speaking a foreign language.  The doctor suggested that there have been good outcomes using this for Parkinsonian symptoms without the side effects of pharmaceuticals.  I must admit we were out of our comfort zone.   But DH will try it for a month and see if he gets better sleep and appetite as well as having better balance.   Any one of those would be more than he can get from the medications now offered.  If this is something you have had experience with, I’d truly appreciate it if you would share.

I have started making the bowl cozies.  They will take a bit of time, but I’m liking them and they are reversible which is terrific.   I put the website for making them on yesterday’s blog.