PEACOCK pillow cover
This is a peacock that I embroidered a few years ago. I was not as happy with it as I wanted to be, so it has been languishing in a corner, waiting it’s turn. Hatched in Africa designed it and now has us finishing up old projects, so I pulled this out of the corner and it is now a pillow cover. I’m just waiting for JoAnn’s to have a sale on pillow forms so I can put it on the couch.
Quilt frame repair
I had taken apart one of the bars to insert a handle with the ratchet. After getting it apart, I discovered they sent me the wrong package. I received the correct one right before getting sick, so nothing happened. The poor machine has been in disrepair for 3 weeks. Today, I kept my promise to it and repaired it. Now it has loaded on it “Storm at Sea” and we should get that quilted this week. It is so amazing how when you put something on your calendar it has a much better chance of getting done. Without that, I believe I could have procrastinated quite a bit longer.