Today we got so much done. The fellow that sometimes works here had the day off, so he came over to help with some of the little things that needed to get done. Then we went fence supply shopping because what else does one do when a windfall appears in the mail. We need the fencing and a he borrowed a truck. We now have 3 rolls of 330′ goat/sheep fencing and the metal posts to put it up. We still need the wood posts that go with the gates. It is just a matter of when I can get man power to do the work. I think (and hope) they may get started the first of December and I will be out there, cheering them on with coffee, doughnuts or whatever they need to keep going. The sheep and I will be so happy to get the main part of the fencing done. I’ll think about cross fencing later.
As long as we had the truck, we picked up all the potted trees that the renters didn’t want cluttering the place. They are now parked beside the barn. I’m sure when spring comes, we will find many places to put them. Some of them may even go into the ground at the rental. There are still rose bushes to pick up, but we filled the truck out to the end of the tailgate with what were in the front yard. The prior people liked to propagate plants which is why there are so many.
I took the time to quilt this today as well. The binding is on hold.
Here is the design I found for the borders. So now I’m off to relax a bit.