These came in the mail today from my cousin. I’m guessing my aunt had started a quilt before she had her stroke and these are the result.
Remember the left over blocks with the sunbonnets my sister had made. These blocks are 1/2″ larger and the sunbonnet is definitely larger. I have 15 blocks left from my sister and there are 6 of these. The background is nearly the same. I’m thinking of sending these over to my sister to have her do the same applique she did on the other blocks and then there would be 21 blocks. I can do a quilt with 20 and have one left for a pillow. If I interspersed these with the other blocks, perhaps it won’t look like an accident. Now isn’t it good that I procrastinated?
The bear block that was so supposed to be so quick and easy, isn’t. First I had to make separate pattern pieces, then there was the “leading”. These are plastic strips that were made to go into the bias strip to press them. They come in different widths, so I used them to keep my seams all on the back side of the leading.
I changed how I’m going to make this quilt. So I placed the pattern under my light blue background, then sprayed each cutout piece with an adhesive, using the box to catch the overspray. They I laid the pieces in the proper place on the background.
This is what he looks like now. I’m still deciding if I want to applique before or after adding the batting and backing. The pattern maker suggests, I applique all three pieces together.
Garden report: The broccoli came out today. I think the cauliflower is a disaster as the weather was too hot at the wrong time. I need to decide on a winter crop that I want to put in that space and get it planted this week. I brought in a red and a green cabbage, some basil, and lettuce as well as the broccoli that still needed to be picked. There were also more raspberries and blueberries.