Here is the reason that I launder each quilt that I make before it leaves the house. I would hate to have recipient get a quilt and then have problems. These quilt squares were made from fabrics that were already squares which makes them difficult to preshrink, so that didn’t happen. 
They frayed more than a quarter inch in places. I’m not sure if this was because of the fabric shrinking or if they were just fabrics that fray a lot. I have made more than a hundred quilts and never had this happen.
So I pulled the fabric back under and hand sewed the various places that came apart. Next week sometime, I will go back over all the seams where the square meets the yellow as that is the place they pulled apart, using a several step zigzag. That should hold them. I just didn’t have time to do it today. (there was more work outside to be done)
As far as the blog is concerned, the quilt is finished, but I want to make absolutely certain no one else gets a bad surprise.